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Showing posts from December, 2017

preparing for the new year

We have come to the end, or almost the end, of another year.   2017 brought with it lots of opportunities as well as struggles that you and I have walked through.   It is time to do it again, but it is easier to walk through the future with a little understanding of the past. ā€œ I am not what used to be but I am not yet what I am going to be.ā€ That speaks volumes to me.   It also reminds me that I cannot dwell on the past when I have the possibilities of the future ahead of me.   Think about with me for a few minutes. 2 Corinthians 5:17   NLT This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a  new  person. The  old  life is  gone ; a  new  life has begun! We cannot allow our past, our poor decisions, our hang ups or whatever to hold us back.   In the future there is more opportunity.   There are possibilities.   There are mountains to climb and valleys to trudge through one step at a t...