Matthew 6:21 NASB for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. This is one of those subjects that is hard to share and maybe even hard to hear. I mean you talk to people who have been to churches where all they talk about is money. I have heard people say that tried one church and another, and while they were there they were asked for their money. Let me address this issue. We ought to be people who are generous. The one thing that God told us to test him in is through our giving. Too often the church is the place where we give people a pass on not giving. That is just not fair. All of us are called to be faithful and to follow what God leads us to do. Give. Bring your tithe in to the storehouse. And be generous! Proverbs 11:25 NLT The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. When we are generous, we help others and get help. The sweet word form this last verse is refres