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Showing posts from July, 2018

it is time for backpacks

Here are some ways to make #back2school 2018 a success:   pray for all involved (those served and those serving), volunteer at one of 12 churches, give to support the events, be part of the special needs day on Friday or the big day on Saturday, AND the ā€œhope gatheringā€ Friday evening in Martinsville! Matthew 18:20     NLT For where two or three   gather   together   as my followers, I am there among them. It is incredible to get together with several hundred friends for a common cause.   That is what will happen tonight when  one of my favorite happenings of #back2school is when we come together to put the school supplies in backpacks.    This is incredible.   I plan to take it in, take pictures, give hugs, laugh a lot and remind everyone how good our God is. It is for the students and their families.    When they receive their backpack as well as the other items, we will be able ...

5 days till back2school

1 Peter 4:10  NLT God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to   serve one   another. This week will mark the 11th year that back2school has been going on, and I am as amazed as ever as well as excited about all that God is putting together. Every day I get a text, a call, a Facebook message or something else from a new person that wants to help us serve more students.  Just like last night an email hit my inbox just before I went to bed from a lady I have know for a couple years, and she shared her excitement about being part of one of the locations.  She wants to know what to do to help that location. Why does back2school take place?  Good question.  Yesterday at church we had a few people share, and the answers were once again inspiring to say the least. We want to share the hope that God gives us. We want to provide supplies to help students that migh...

back2school is almost here

Yep. It is almost time for back2school 2018.  There are plenty of things you can do to help.  But most of all keep on praying for the students and their families as well as all the servants who will be part of this year's team. 12 locations.  3,000 students.  Over 800 volunteers.  More than 60 churches represented among those serving. PRAY. Donate needed supplies... wide ruled notebook paper, note cards and more. SERVE in various ways throughout the week.  Tuesday and Wednesday especially will need during the day help.  See Pastor Michael to be part of this.  We have a small mission team in town helping with this process. PACK backpacks Tuesday, July 31 beginning at 6pm at our new campus. Attend Friday evening's "hope gathering" and for more information see Pastor Michael or Adrienne Hubbard.  You must RSVP by Wednesday evening.  This event will highlight our partners Samaritan's Feet and leaders Manny and Tracie Ohonme. ...

make a difference

In the next week and a half I am going to spend some time sharing the blessings and challenges of the   back2school   project, and it is pretty easy to see what God is doing.    There are many opportunities ahead for all of us to serve people we encounter. Psalm 34:8     NLT Taste and   see   that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! One of the brightest parts of the upcoming weekend is having   Manny and Tracie Ohonme   as our special guest.    Manny and Tracie started   Samaritanā€™s Feet in 2003 which is an organization serving children around the world and sharing hope in Christ by washing feet and giving new shoes.    Like the  back2school  project the Ohonmeā€™s are committed to sharing the hope found in Jesus with those they serve. Several years ago a friend of mine,   Ron Pegram, worked with Manny and encouraged us to add shoes to our   back2sch...

He makes all things new

Revelation 21:5     ESV And   he who was seated on the throne said, ā€œBehold, I   am making all things new.ā€ Also he said, ā€œWrite this down, for   these words are trustworthy and true.ā€ When you think of things that are new, there many ways you can go.  Have you smelled new carpet?  Have you ever walked in to a house or a bakery where bread was in the oven. It is brand new and sweet and almost overwhelming.  How wonderful it is just to take in the smell or the goodness of what is new.  God does much the same for us. He made us new when Jesus became our savior.  He promises us that one day, in heaven, we will have a new and glorious home, but donā€™t leave the now. Lamentations 3:22-23   NASB The   Lordā€™s   lovingkindnesses  i ndeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They   are new   every morning; Great is   Your faithfulness. Every mornin...

fearless and confident

From time to time we need to be interrupted.  That is especially with there are stress or struggle or extreme questions.  God offers truth for us.  We may have to simply slow down, get quiet and lean in to hear. Before this pastor weekendā€™s message God did that just for me.  Here is the passage that caught my attention. Psalm 112  NLT Praise the   Lord ! How joyful are those who fear the   Lord and delight in obeying his commands. 2  Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed. 3  They themselves will be wealthy, and their good deeds will last forever. 4  Light shines in the darkness for the godly. They are generous, compassionate, and righteous. 5  Good comes to those who lend money generously and conduct their business fairly. 6  Such people will not be overcome by evil.   Those who are righteous will be long remembered. 7 ...

why am I here?

There are many things that I hold near and dear to my heart. One of those is the calling from God to serve others, especially those who struggle with poverty.  The back2school outreach is now in itā€™s 11th year, and that makes me see once again the good that our God can do. Yesterday while talking with some friends this became even clearer.  Pursuing your dreams is a big deal.  The things essential to that deal are important. Isaiah 32:8 NLT 'But generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity.'  For me being generous is one of those things that is non negotiable.  We have to be generous in order to serve others.  Be generous with your time, your resources and with your heart. Isaiah 30:15 NLT 'This is what the Sovereign Lord , the Holy One of Israel, says: ā€œOnly in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But y...