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Showing posts from June, 2021

sabbatical week 5

  It seems like time is flying by as it the beginning of the 5th week of my sabbatical.  It has been an incredible time of learning and spending time with family.  The last week Julie has been with her parents in Georgia as her dad continues on hospice.  I have been spending time with dad and family in Oklahoma.  I am grateful that I have had this opportunity.   This last week has brought lots of growth, commitment and even new light for the future.  I finished the book The Unsaved Christian by Dean Inserra and began reading 20/20 Money by Joe Sangl.  I am about to begin a couple other pieces including a coaching series with Blaine Bartel.  I am excited about the learning, growth and inspiration ahead. Over the last week there are several things that have stuck out to me.  Here is a passage of Scripture that in the last couple days has come aliveā€¦ Philippians 3:7-11  NLT 7 I once thought these things were valuable, but now I co...

week 4 of my sabbatical

Time is moving by as it is the start of the 4th week of my sabbatical.  It has been a great time.  We returned from Hawaii the middle of last week, and now Julie is with her family in Georgia.  I will be focusing on growing, resting and learning.  It has been a great time.   Yesterday was Fatherā€™s Day.  I am blessed to the father of three awesome children.  Furthermore, my earthly father, Richard Harrison is an awesome man.  He has made my life stronger as I learn from him and follow his example. I continue reading Don Wiltonā€™s Saturdayā€™s With Billy and Dean Inserraā€™s The Unsaved Christian .  Should finish both this week and begin two more including Joe Sanglā€™s 50/50 Money .  More observations from what I am reading in the weeks ahead. Hawaii was amazing.  The best parts included time with Rebecca and Colman, but the island of Oahu was simply beautiful.  Hope you follow me on Facebook and Instagram so you can see the photos I ...

sabbatical week 3

It is the beginning of the 3rd week of my sabbatical.  It has been a great time for family, faith and focusing on refreshing.  We are completing our time with Rebecca and Colman in Hawaii.  It has been awesome.   You know being on vacation is often a challenging time for what you eat.  I have been staying active with running and walking.  In fact my goal for our 15 days in Hawaii was 100 miles, and I passed that on Friday.  Weight loss and a difference in eating remain important. We have enjoyed some amazing food as we spend time with family.   I finished continue reading two books at this time.  Don Wiltonā€™s Saturdayā€™s With Billy and Dean Inserraā€™s The Unsaved Christian .  Iā€™ll be shared a few observations from those books next week and beginning another one. We have spent time sight seeking, going to the beach and spending time together.  These beaches on the island of Oahu are more amazing than we expected.  Maybe you have ...
My sabbatical continues with week two, and our family is in Hawaii visiting our oldest daughter and her husband.  It has been an incredible visit with one week left of this trip.  Each of the next several weeks you will receive one e-devotion on Monday or Tuesday morning with a little glimpse at what I am in to, studying and planning for the week. I finished my first book on sabbatical.  It is Blaine Bartelā€™s Death By A Thousand Lies which is the telling of his story of moral failure and comeback in ministry and life.  What a great story that hits me and so many others.  I hope to share more. Also during this time I am reading several books as well as Scripture.  It has been refreshing spending time with family, making memories and just getting closer to each other.  I am also spending a good deal of time with the Lord, listening and learning. That is where I will leave this second week of sabbatical.  I want to share with you a couple of the...