Sunday I enjoyed sharing with our church a message from our theme of HE>i from the book of Hebrews. We talked about how Jesus is greater than everything. Specifically He is greater than the angels, greater than Moses, greater than Joshua and greater than Aaron. Answer this… what have you made great than Jesus in your life? That is a tough and telling question. Answer that and figure out why you feel alone at some points in your life. The book of Hebrews has some incredible truth from the first to the last chapter with a huge portion being in chapters 11 and 12. But the crux of the book are these two verses: Hebrews 10:23-24 NLT Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; 24 and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, How do we make Jesus greater? We become less. We make more of Him, believe Him, share Him with others and spend time with ...