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Showing posts from August, 2023

will you help?

  It has been a full and good week already.  Today I would like to share with you just a little of the overflow. In one week I will be headed back to Cuba where I get to serve once again with the FCA sports ministry.  Please pray for this important ministry as the Cuban leaders are making a great impact on the lives of athletes, coaches and their families.  The doors are open for the work and for the churches connected to the ministry seeing God work. I ask you to do three specific things.  First, please pray for the ministry and those doing the ministry.  Pray for the team members traveling with me on this trip (team members are from Virginia, Texas, Missouri, Minnesota and Costa Rica). Pray for the staff of the sports ministry in Cuba and their families.  Second, please consider going on a mission trip with me in the future.  Get your passport and let me know you are interested.  And third, please give to help this ministry.  A gift of...

living for the goal

  Living for the Goal ā€¦ this is a devotion that was shared by the Navigators in August of 2021.  Today I want to share with you something that encouraged me.  Check out this devotion, and may God work in our lives in incredible ways! 1 John 1:3  We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.  I always enjoy traveling with someone who knows where theyā€™re going, donā€™t you? John the Baptist knew exactly where he was going.  He had a definite purpose in mind and knew exactly how to reach his goal.  The message in the book of John is that he wants you and me to find life in Jesus Christ.  Everything in his gospel points us to the saving grace of the Lord Jesus. In John 1:7, we are introduced to John the Baptist and told that ā€œhe came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.ā€  The focu...

more about serving

  Yesterday I talked about the art of servanthood and said this ā€¦ do something for someone who generally does that for you.  I mean turn the tables, change the method, think of that person that has done so much in serving you and go serve them.   It is a new way of thinking or living.  It is servanthood at its height and best.  It was seen in the greatest giving to the least.  That is not the ā€œRobin Hoodā€ mentality of taking from the rich to give to the poor.  It is simply recognizing those who do for you and doing for them. Colossians 3:24  NLT   Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. Here are some quotes about being a servant: "What you do has far greater impact than what you say.ā€ - Steven Covey "Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.ā€ - Rosa Parks "A life isn't significant except for its impact on others lives.ā€ - Jackie Robinso...

the art of serving

The art of being a servant.  It is not a painting on the wall or a sculpture in a gallery or even a finger painting on the refrigerator.  A servant is a person who has made a choice to make much of others. I heard an encouraging word about being a servant that hit me.  The pastor said ā€œdo for others what they generally would do for you.ā€  Sounds a lot like the golden rule, and it should.  But different. Matthew 7:12  NLT   Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. The example that the pastor was referring to was Jesus washing the feet of his disciples only a couple days before he went to the cross.  He washed the feet of the one who had already agreed to betray him.  He washed the feet of the men who would walk away from him.   It wasnā€™t the call or place of the teacher to wash feet.  In fast it was the slave or servant who were to wash feet.  ...

Jesus is important

The following e-devotion was first shared in August of 2020.  It remains true and strong today. Colossians 3:3-4  NLT But Jesus deserves far more glory than Moses, just as a person who builds a house deserves more praise than the house itself. 4 For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God.   Jesus is more important than anyone or anything else.  There I said it.   This is not a popularity contest or a shouting match to get the most attention.  This is not a protest or a political statement.  Simply I acknowledge that my relationship with the one true and living God is the most important thing.  And it always will be.   If we could just for a moment focus on what matters, it might make more sense of all that is going on around the world.  Please know that this is not a statement to be controversial.  In fact this is just a statement of worship AND of worry.   Jesus is the most important.   No...

are you listening?

  Hearing is very important.  If there is something wrong with your ears, your hearing or even your understanding, you might miss the most important things God has for you.  It is important to listen. Understand this ā€¦ God gave you eyes and ears.  Use them!  Listen to what God has to say, how He guides and the wisdom that will change our lives.  Seeing and hearing God is a gift to us. Proverbs 20:12  NLT   Ears to hear and eyes to seeā€” both are gifts from the Lord. If we listen, we will be wise.  That seems very simple.  It is.  Hear His voice.  Hear His wisdom.  Respond to what you heard and keep on listening.  It might just change your life or save your life. But do not stop thee.  Listening is essential to growing in the Lord.  God is always speaking, but we are not always listening. Proverbs 8:1  NLT   Listen as Wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice! To hear means we have an ...

grateful for the people

The last few days I have been spending time with my brothers.  It was a little more than one year ago that our dad passed away, and that fact has been something we have all dealt with in different ways. 1 Thessalonians 5:11  NLT   So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. The conversations have been so good.  Sharing memories.  Talking about family.  Remembering some special times.  Looking at how things have changed around our home town.  Talking about the challenges of life, growing older and the like.  This really has been a packed few days. Yesterday I got to be a some time with my best friend from my high school days.  It was so good to reconnect, to share stories and to remember.  This friend is involved in ministry and has made a great impact on so many lives.  He and I were discipled by some great people. One of the things we talked about most was how we each encouraged one another ...