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Showing posts from May, 2024

power in Psalm 1

This is the last e-devotion for this week.  It is always an honor to be able to share with you thoughts from Godā€™s word.  This week and next I will share some pieces of Scripture that mean the most to me.  Letā€™s enjoy some time with Jesus! Nothing super deep.  Nothing too big.  But profound and strong. This week we are walking through Psalm 1.  Some of the first verses I remember when I came to know Jesus and learned to walk with Him.  God has spoken to me from this chapter for year.   Living by faith is not a simple task, but it is important.  Learning the difference between faith and feeling, truth and lies, real life and fake life is vital.  The person who chooses Jesus finds the following truth: Psalm 1:1-3  NLT   Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. 2  But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. 3 They...

Another day in Psalm 1

  This is the e-devotion.  It is an honor to be able to share with you some of the incredible parts of Godā€™s word.  Over the next couple weeks I will share some pieces of Scripture that mean the most to me. Nothing super deep.  Nothing too big.  But profound and strong. We continue what we started yesterday walking through Psalm 1.  God has spoken to me from this chapter many times.   The person who chooses God, follows His way and seeks Jesus will find some things true about themselves.  Here is what they or us with know. Psalm 1:1-3  NLT   Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. 2  But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.  Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Yet those who do not walk with God will find a diffe...

Walk through Psalm 1

  Welcome to the e-devotion.  It is an honor to be able to share with you some of the incredible parts of Godā€™s word.  Over the next couple weeks I will share some pieces of Scripture that mean the most to me. Nothing super deep.  Nothing too big.  But profound and strong. That is why I start hereā€¦ Psalm 1 is a powerful truth.  God has spoken to me from this chapter many times.  Here it is: Psalm 1:1-3  NLT   Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. 2  But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.  Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. The place where God speaks most is the place we find ourselves close to Him, seeking God and enjoying Him. Take some time to begin this path through Psalm 1, and join me again tomorrow for the...

Memorial Day

  Through the years I have listened to many heroes tell stories of war, honor, serving the military and how proud they were to be part of a country that is free. Each stood in uniform at one time or another committed to ensuring your freedom and mine.     Remember that freedom is never free.  Someone had to pay a price.  Jesus paid for our salvation.  Brave men and women have served so that our country could remain strong and free.  In both cases, we are tremendously blessed.   Who are some of the heroes you have walked with? I remember hearing my grandfather mention being in the U.S. Navy during World War II.  Another grandfather when I was born was serving in Vietnam in the U.S. Army.  My uncle was a U.S. Air Force jet pilot and trained other pilots up to his retirement.  Another is my cousinā€™s husband who was also a pilot and part of one of the elite flying groups of the Air Force. ...

sense of smell

  This week we have looked at the impact of our 5 senses.  God gave us each to help us enjoy life and to see Him.  The 5 senses are sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.  Today we will finish up with the sense of smell. Let me cut to the chaseā€¦ what are your favorite smells?  Oh this question ought to conjure up lots of different ideas, opinions and even memories.  Letā€™s go there. For me: fresh baked bread (like my aunt Shelly used to make), homemade chocolate cake (that our friend Libby and later my mom would make), fresh baked chocolate cookies or brownies, krispy kreme donuts, homemade tortillas on a clay stone in Honduras, honey suckle in spring, fresh roses, room freshly cleaned, clothes off the clothes line, the air after rain, the ocean and salt water spray, momā€™s favorite perfumeā€¦  As you can tell I like food.  But there are so many more. How about what are your favorite smells? Now, what are Godā€™s favorite smells?  That is a tough on...

what we taste

  This week we are looking at the impact of our 5 senses.  God gave these to us to help us enjoy life and to experience Him.  The 5 senses are sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.  We have talked about what we touch, hear and see.  Today we will discuss what we taste. Thought the Bible God talks about what we eat.  The Old Testament speaks of things that are unclean and should not be eaten.  Yet in the New Testament God says that everything is clean for us. What we have come to understand is somethings are just not good for us.  Some food improves our health while other foods are not healthy.  We need to be careful what we choose to taste and to eat. God takes this picture and tells us, in many different places, to taste what the Lord has for us.  At one place God says we should eat something like the book, or the word of God.  Feasting on the good things changes our lives.  Even the goodness of God is to be tasted and found t...

what we touch

  This week we are talking about the 5 senses that God has given us.  They are sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.  So far we have talked about what we hear and see.  Today we will touch. Throughout the Old Testament law people were reminded what they should and should not touch.  That is somewhat of what we share with our kids of ā€œgood and bad touch.ā€  Do you remember that? Literally there are many things that we should not touch, and there are things we should tough.  Yet that reminder says that there are times to touch things and times not to touch things. One example is the chicken I was cooking last night.  When preparing the chicken, I was touching it and getting it ready to cook.  Then I washed my hands.  You get it.  When the chicken was in the pan cooking, I didnā€™t touch the chicken, and I should not hav touched the pan.  Do you get that?  I got burned. There is a time to touch and a time not to touch.  Tha...

listen up

  It is vital that we listen to what God says.   Hear what God says and follow Him.  To make sure this is the path you are on, keep focused on God.  The impact of following God changes us and those around us.  That is why is it is important to listen up.   Exodus 13:21  NIV   By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.   God provides for His people.  That includes you and me.  He guides us no matter the time, no matter the weather and always leads in the right direction.  He did it for others, and He will do this for us.  But are we listening and following God?   Learn to listen up.  Keep following.  Walk this truth out by knowing the Word of God that helps us to be aligned with His will and His plan.   Psalm 89:15-16  NIV   Blessed are those who have learned t...