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Showing posts from August, 2024

pray for ministry in Cuba

  Galatians 5:13  NLT For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But donā€™t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.   Choose to serve.  We have freedom to do just that.  I am grateful for the church God has placed us in and how He is working.  I am grateful for the community around us where we seek to serve and share Christ.  He is working.  I grateful for the passion for the work God placed in front of me in missions. On Monday I will be on the way back to Cuba for another mission trip, and I am excited about all God is doing.  It is an honor to be part of the sports ministry in Cuba that works with FCA.  This ministry is led by Alexander Roque Martinez and a great group of men and their families.  These FCA leaders are helping to make that happen and seeking to follow God.  Pray for wisdom and for God to provide.   I want ...

why Cuba?

  Why Cuba?   In just a few days I get to return to Cuba!  It is an honor to serve the Lord with a group of people that love others, serve with all their heart and have a passion to see lives change.   I ask that you pray for the sports ministry work in Cuba and for this trip.  Let me know if you would like to help further.  Donations are appreciated, but the biggest need is for prayer.     Much of this work is with a team that serves athletes and coaches and is connected to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes or FCA.  Alex and his team continue to serve, to share the Gospel and meet so many needs.    Our team of people here in the United States has had great opportunity to find ways to help the team in Cuba, and that has become a great blessing.  It is a challenge.  The economy in Cuba is not good.  It is difficult for the Cuban people to find even the basic things needed for every day life.  But God is doing i...

what the goodness of God looks like

  Psalm 34:8  NLT   Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! What does the goodness of God look like?  Well, the answer to that depends on your perspective. The goodness of God looks like a new mom holding a brand new baby and taking in the sweet moments. The goodness of God looks like brothers and sisters who recently went through losing their home to a fire but now getting what they need for the school year. The goodness of God looks like a couple who just got married and beginning to settle in together to life and what God is doing with them. The goodness of God looks like chasing two precious little girls around the fountain as the giggle and scream in the middle of a hotel in a foreign country after waiting for several hours to check in. The goodness of God looks like hugging a lady who just learned that her health tests didnā€™t go as planned but knowing God has a special plan. The goodness of God looks like a couple who ...

power from God

  One of the most powerful people I know is the person who knows who they are because of what God has done in their life.   Power often comes from the person who has the position of authority.  Power can come for the person who has the most treasure or money.  Power can be from the person who has the greatest influence.   Yet the greatest and longest lasting power if truly from the person whose life has been changed by God, and this person is convinced the goodness of God as well as the promises that God gave.   Check this passage out and notice how God connects us to real power. Romans 8:15-18  NASB   For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, ā€œAbba! Father!ā€ 16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffe...

Scripture prayers

  Yesterday I reminded us of the blessing when people pray for us and when we pray for others.  As we close out the week I ask that you do the same thing. Those people who come to your mind today and this weekend, let them know you are prayed for each of them.  Spend time really praying and see how God works in and around your lift. Here are a few prayers from Scripture that inspire me to pray more and to seek God for myself, my family, our church and others.  Letā€™s be people of prayer! Numbers 6:24-26  NLT   ā€˜May the Lord bless you and protect you. 25 May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. 26  May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.ā€™ Psalm 19:13-14  NLT  Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Donā€™t let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin. 14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. 1 Kings 3:9  N...

praying for you

  Donā€™t you love to hear it?  ā€I am praying for you."  It may come in an e-mail or a text message or in a conversation when someone says, "I've been praying for you."  Sometimes I don't think I could make it without someone praying for me. James 5:16 NLT Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. I remember more than 30 years ago walking down the hallway of a house where I rented a room and hearing Mrs. Cornelia Fowler praying for me. I remember hearing a family friend pray for me. I remember when my pastor put his hand on my shoulder and prayed for me. From time to time I get a note from someone ... 'I am praying for you' it reads.  There are too many people to name that lift my family and my life to Jesus.  Thank you for praying for me. Colossians 4:2 NLT Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. I...

an audience of one

  Years ago I had a conversation with a prayer warrior friend that led me to hear about and understand the concept of an "audience of one".  This is good.  So good.  We talked about people who prepared to preform for an important person like the president, the pope, queens or others.  Lots of people would be in the audience, but one honorable person is in attendance.  Ultimately it felt like an "audience of one".   Moving a bit further I learned how we are living our lives and giving our praise for an audience of one, God.  The one who made us, loves us, sent His son for us and continues to give to us every day.   The music group Big Daddy Weave puts it this way in their song by the same name:   To my audience of one.  You are Father, and you are Son As your spirit flows free, Let it find within me A heart that beats to praise you. And now just to know you more Has become my great reward To see your kingdom come ...