“How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me – things so undeserved, yet you give to prove your love for me? The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude – all that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to you…” (lyrics of “My Tribute” by Andrae` Crouch)
No, that song was not written for my mom or any mom. It was written as a tribute and honor to God, but the words fit how I feel about my mom. Forgive me for getting sappy or mushy, but Mother’s Day for all of us is one of those times of remembering and honoring that special person who has given a great deal.
We talk about how dads often teach us about our heavenly Father, yet I want to thank my mom for being a picture and example of the Father as I was growing up. She taught me so much. I am thankful for Judy Harrison. I love you, mom, and happy Mother’s Day.
You gave, when you didn’t have it to give.
You sacrificed, when you could have done something for you.
You worked, when you most likely needed to rest.
You held, when I was hurt and being selfish.
You loved, when I did not deserve or give it back.
You spoke up, when you probably wanted to be quiet.
You pointed, when I was going the wrong way you led me to God.
You became, when I needed you became whatever had to be.
And you still do. Though the miles are great between here and there your love is lasting and is never questioned. Thank you for all this: giving, sacrificing, working, holding, loving, speaking, pointing and becoming.
I love you. Sometimes I feel like Paul’s young disciple Timothy that Paul pointed to his mom for being an example and raising Timothy to know God. (2 Timothy 1) That is awesome. For that I am so very thankful.
So, in closing I pray that I will take that example to my children, to my neighbors and to any one who will look into my life. That example is often a living portrait of what God is willing to do for us, His children.
“Let your father and your mother be glad, And let her rejoice who gave birth to you.” Proverbs
“For her worth is far above jewels…Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:10,30 (NASB)