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Why? (passing on a blog from Gary Lamb)

I am passing along a blog that lit my fire tonight. It is from Gary Lamb, pastor of Ridge Stone Church in Canton, GA. Gary is a church planter and the founding pastor of the church, and he knocks my socks off with his insight and passion! Read on:

Friday, August 11, 2006


Got an email asking me why do I love pastoring so much? It was from an area pastor who I don't know and he had stumbled across my blog. He shared with me why he hated pastoring and he thanked me for my monthly article in Around Canton magazine about praying for your pastor.

My heart breaks for pastors like this. I am sure when they felt God calling them to full time ministry there was a time when they had a huge vision, were ready to set the world on fire for God, and would have charged hell with a water gun. However something happened along the way and now they are just holding on collecting a paycheck because reality is they probably can't do anything else and make a living. In most cases like this their wife hates the ministry because she has seen it almost kill her husband, their kids have no interest in church and they are at the end of their rope.

I get up every day and on my way to the office I turn the radio off and talk to God. EVERY morning there are things I thank him for:
Ridge Stone Church

I never want to take for granted how awesome the place I get to work is. My prayer is that I get the HONOR of staying at RSC the rest of my life. I truly thank it is the greatest church in the world made up by the greatest people in the world.

After the e-mail I thought about why it is that I love it here so much and I just thought I would share with you my thoughts on it:

1.) God called me here - That is really all that matters.

2.) DeAnna loves it here - That is so important to me. My wife is more pride of RSC then I am. After our experience in Iowa that is very important

3.) I love Canton - I love everything about it. I love the growth, the people, the geography, the downtown, the vibe, etc.

4.) I love our people - I have never been part of a church where the people get IT so much. The vision to reach the lost here is crazy. That trumphs everything for them and I LOVE THEM FOR IT!

5.) I love our staff - I truly love the people that are part of our team. I made a TON of early hiring mistakes and God watched over us. Preston, Tim, Cheri, Amy, Malcolm, and now John are all more then staff. They are my friends and I don't take that lightly.

6.) I love the vision.

7.) I love the attitude of adventure at RSC

8.) I love leading

9.) I love doing life with our people

10.) I love seeing life change

11.) I love the unchurched in this area

12.) I love the impact in our community that is possible

12.) I love the focus

13.) I love that our people have allowed us to make mistakes

14.) I love the potential

15.) I love meeting in a movie theatre

16.) I love the music

17.) I love the way our people give of their time

18.) I love that I never hear complaints

19.) I love our board of directors and how they have NEVER not been willing to try something

20.) I love the heart for kids

21.) I love the emphasis on reaching men

22.) I love that we made where others said it couldn't be done

23.) I love how simple it is

24.) I love that it is not about buildings

25.) I love that is it not about programs

26.) I love that we don't major on the minors

27.) I love that nothing is fake

28.) I love to watch first timers walk in and see the awe on their face at church in the movies

29.) I love watching someone get "it"

30.) I love that it is ALL about Jesus

God rocked my world when He sent me here and I never want to lose the thrill of pastoring this place.


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