"God is not just the starting point of your life; he is the source of it." - Rick Warren
At the end of the rope … No where else to turn … many people find that those two places are very ones where they find God. Yet all along the path they have been walking or running, He has been there. Far too many people, including Christians, have God as their last resort when He is to be the very first place we go.
Relationship importance is noted by the time and commitment or investment of the person. If you care about a person, you spend time with them. If you love them, you invest in their lives and in what they see is important. From time to time is may be critical to re-evaluate your relationships. What is important? What will last? What needs to be set aside?
On this Halloween of 2006 there are a few people thinking God kind of thoughts, yet there are many who would rather wrap themselves in the holiday fun. I am not knocking the day and it’s happening but God could be wrapping Himself around us and living through us. What can we do to let that happen?
The only way to change our thinking is to let God fill our thinking…
“For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power and is intended for his glory. To him be glory evermore. Amen.” Romans 11:36 (NLT)
“But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created everything, and we exist for him. And there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom God made everything and through whom we have been given life.” 1 Corinthians 8:6 (NLT)
“Follow God's example in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ, who loved you and gave himself as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, because that sacrifice was like sweet perfume to him.” Ephesians 5:1-2 (NLT)
It is all about God. We have said that before, and we believe it. No problem. Yet do our actions and our beliefs match? Lets turn to God before we get the end of the rope and let our lives be all about God.
At the end of the rope … No where else to turn … many people find that those two places are very ones where they find God. Yet all along the path they have been walking or running, He has been there. Far too many people, including Christians, have God as their last resort when He is to be the very first place we go.
Relationship importance is noted by the time and commitment or investment of the person. If you care about a person, you spend time with them. If you love them, you invest in their lives and in what they see is important. From time to time is may be critical to re-evaluate your relationships. What is important? What will last? What needs to be set aside?
On this Halloween of 2006 there are a few people thinking God kind of thoughts, yet there are many who would rather wrap themselves in the holiday fun. I am not knocking the day and it’s happening but God could be wrapping Himself around us and living through us. What can we do to let that happen?
The only way to change our thinking is to let God fill our thinking…
“For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power and is intended for his glory. To him be glory evermore. Amen.” Romans 11:36 (NLT)
“But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created everything, and we exist for him. And there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom God made everything and through whom we have been given life.” 1 Corinthians 8:6 (NLT)
“Follow God's example in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ, who loved you and gave himself as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, because that sacrifice was like sweet perfume to him.” Ephesians 5:1-2 (NLT)
It is all about God. We have said that before, and we believe it. No problem. Yet do our actions and our beliefs match? Lets turn to God before we get the end of the rope and let our lives be all about God.