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real, lasting fruit // Friday E-Devotion

John 15:5,16 (nlt) --- Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. ...You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit...

Fruit that only God can bring into our lives can be described as as strange. It is much like a vineyard or a garden, yet this kind of fruit lasts a long time and only comes through the plan and work in our lives as we allow God to work.
If we desire God kind of fruit, we desire God's pruning which is no easy process. It comes with great results and with blessing. Are we willing to let God work, to allow Him to prune our lives so that we will be part of seeing His kingdom grow like we have yet to see around us. Remember that we are reminded in Luke 9:23 to loose ourselves in God.
Here are some notes from Rick Warren's weekly newsletter to ministers about this subject:
The question is: How do we get these character qualities? Obviously, God doesn't just zap me one day and all of a sudden these qualities materialize in my life. He uses a process.

Here are two important facts you need to know about developing spiritual fruit:

1. It's a partnership ... Paul describes the two-part process God uses in Philippians 2:12-13 where he first says, "Work out your salvation," and then turns around and says, "It is God who works in you." It sounds like a contradiction, doesn't it? But it isn't. It's a paradox. G. K. Chesterton describes a paradox as "truth standing on its head to get attention." Paul loves to teach with paradoxes...To work for something means to earn it, to deserve it, to merit it. The Bible clearly teaches that salvation is not something we have to work for. It is a free gift of God's grace. Paul says, "Work out your salvation." Paul is talking about a "spiritual workout."...To work out means to cultivate, to make the most of what you have been given. That's what Paul says here. Cultivate your spiritual life!

God has a part in our spiritual growth and we also have a part. He provides the power, but we must flip the switch. Work out your salvation for it is God who works in you.

2. It takes time ... It takes time for fruit to ripen. There is no such thing as instant maturity ā€“ even for people active in ministry. And there is no such thing as instant spiritual growth. It takes time. When you try to rush fruit, it doesn't taste as good...And God is going to need time to ripen the fruit in your life.

You can begin by telling God right now that you want to be a productive, fruitful Christian leader, that you want to cooperate with his plan. Commit yourself to reading, studying, memorizing, and meditation on the Bible. Ask God to use his Word to change the way you think. Invite the Holy Spirit to have free reign in your life. Don't hold anything back. Pray and talk with him about everything. Accept your circumstances as a part of God's plan to change your life. Ask God to help you respond to difficult people and unpleasant situations as Jesus would. God wants to produce the fruit of the Spirit in your life. Will you cooperate with him in this life-changing process?

Thanks to Rick Warren for such awesome words about what we have been talking about all week. God is good! May we allow Him to produce real and lasting fruit in our lives!


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