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My Life Flashed Before My Eyes // Monday E-Devotion

My family just returned from a great weekend in our nation's capital. It was awesome with lots of fun and lots of good old fashioned family-bonding. Eye opening to say the least.

1 Peter 2:13 (nasb) --- Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority,

Romans 13:1 (nasb) ---- Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

Our first sight was the United States Capitol. A staff member from our congressman's office gave us a tour of this awesome place of history. We stood in places where great men and women have been. Lincoln, Jefferson, Bush, Harrison (the presidents, not me) and so many more. We sat for a moment in the room where congress meets and where the "State of the Union" address is given as I imagined the people and the happenings. I am humbled and understand we are blessed with a great nation from God, and we have responsibility as citizens to pray and live and support. This was awesome.

We walked from the Capital to the Washington Monument. Stood next to and followed the reflection pool all the way to the Lincoln memorial. We read the names on the Vietnam Memorial who gave their lives for our freedom. With cameras in hand and a little explanation for the kids, we stood at 1600 Pennsylvania in front of the White House. It was awesome. We ended the day (maybe in my favorite place of all the weekend) at the Jefferson Memorial. I loved reading what is engraved on the walls. Everything pointing us to God.

Some of the things that went through my mind were like my life flasing before my eyes...when and where Reagan was shot, the place Martin Luther King gave a speech, the pool that Forrest Gump walked through and the steps where Clint Eastwood sat on in some movie, place that crashed into the Pentagon and much more. It was eye opening.

The weekend ended as we were about to head home with me taking a bit of a fall. I hit my head, my arms and a leg. Humbling to say the least, and I saw my life flash before my eyes. Kind of puts things in perspective when you are flat on your back in a compromising position. It made me think.

God has done so much for us. Our nation has lots of crap it deals with, yet we are so blessed. These leaders and law makers need our prayers and our support. The troops are vital to us and give us freedom every day. We need to let our lives and our blessings flash before our eyes.

One of the great moments of our trip was our visit to National Community Church where Mark Batterson is lead pastor. Julie and I needed to worship there and hear the message that God gave us. Our lives flashed again before our eyes.

Psalm 66:5 (nlt) --- Come and see what our God has done,what awesome miracles he performs for people!

1 Peter 1:21 (nlt) --- Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And you have placed your faith and hope in God because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory.

What a weekend. What an awesome family. What a great county, but best yet ... what an awesome God. My life flashed before my eyes!


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