Ever get to the end of the puzzle only to realize that you are missing a piece?
Ever read a book and realize that a page is missing?
I hate those kind of things, but they help me grow. Not long ago I shared a message with our church family that shocked a lot of people (a least a couple) stating that I am human, we all are, and have holes in me that God has to fill. Humanity sticks sometimes.
1 Thessalonians 3:10 (nlt) --- Night and day we pray earnestly for you, asking God to let us see you again to fill the gaps in your faith.
God not only will fill in the gaps but He wants to. It is in His character and nature to help humanity, us who are His kids, to be whole and well. It is kind of like letting God fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle or the missing page of the book.
God not only will fill in the gaps but He wants to. It is in His character and nature to help humanity, us who are His kids, to be whole and well. It is kind of like letting God fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle or the missing page of the book.
It is also like taking a huge look at history and learning from it. We have to do this as individuals, as families, as a nation and as churches. One place we often don't like to do this is at church. Because it means (are you ready?) ...................... Change. It means making meaningful changes not for the sake of making someone mad, or rocking the boat but to help us be better at what God has called us to do.
That is why at The Community Fellowship we are taking a hard look at our 1st year. What did we do right? What did we do wrong? How can we be more effective in demonstrating the love of God to community? This is God kind of stuff. And let me remind you and me that it is all about Him.
Take a hard look and let God fill in the gaps...
Romans 15:13 (nlt) --- I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 3:19 (nlt) --- May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
1 John 2:5 (nlt) ---But those who obey God's word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him.