"Leadership has its own rhythm. A pulse you can feel. A beat you can hear. A vibe you can see. Great leaders have resonance that stays with people. Their lives create cultural reverb, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in their circles of influence. In some cases it can be heard across time + through the ages."
Those are the first lines from a brochure about this year's CATALYST conference taking place this week in Atlanta. I have wanted to attend this conference for several years, but that has not been possible UNTIL THIS WEEK. That is a God thing. Take my word for it.
Some of the speakers are: Andy Stanley, Craig Groeschel, John Maxwell, Dave Ramsey and Erwin McManus.
OK. Here is my big deal about these dudes.
Since I was young, I had a few opportunities to sit and learn from some pretty amazing people. What I do in life now, planting a great church and pastoring a sweet group of people, has led me to get to know (through reading and leadership) some people whose creativity runs deep and awesome and leadership has been a huge success. God tells us to learn from others. Conferences are times to do just that.
Another part is that you get to spend time with people who are doing much of the same thing you are. Learning from others is awesome and being with people who are excited about Jesus and ministry gets me that much more excited about what I do.
I almost cannot sit still. Yeah, I hate leaving my precious wife and kids at home, but this is going to be awesome (as well as God paved the way...provided a free ticket and more). This is going to be good for everyone at The Community Fellowhsip (and even for those who read my blog).
So, you are asking, why is this your e-devotion today? Thanks for asking.
Big idea. Great big God. Great conference. We have to have a mind-set to learn from others. We've yet to arrive at perfection or being the best. But we have a God who opens us and gives us insight and passion to make a difference in the lives of other people. My confidence in God and my commitment to the vision He has given me drives me to be the best and be creative. Think about it!
Matthew 6:33 (nlt) --- Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Proverbs 18:15 (nlt) --- Intelligent people are always ready to learn.Their ears are open for knowledge.
Ecclesiastes 1:17 (nlt) --- So I set out to learn everything from wisdom...
Philippians 3:17 (nlt) --- Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example.