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thoughts for life and death :: Thursday E-Devotion

Today's devotion is kind of a side thought from our Chase the Lion series as there are some things going on that I want to chat about.  Lets get a little God first:
Psalm 116:15 (nlt) --- The Lord cares deeply when his loved ones die.
John 14:2 (nlt) --- There is more than enough room in my Father's home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?
I spoke with a friend yesterday who lost a close friend this weekend.  Many people were shocked by this young man's death who leaves four young children, a precious wife and a close church family.
Got an e-mail this morning and just got off the phone with another friend about a pastor in our area who died last night (see prayer requests below).  He leaves behind so many that love him.
Just these two men leave a legacy of life lived for Jesus.  I listened to testimony about the first man and continually am amazed by a laymen who loved his pastor, his church but most of all his God.  The pastor poured his life into others for a long, long time.  For over 6 years I have watched, admired and even taken part in some of the special things this gentleman has attempted for God.
So, why do I draw your attention to death?  Good question.  We have been talking about living for God, about defying the odds.  It is so important that we live life.  Don't sit on the sidelines or wait for another day.  We don't know when we will take our last breathe.  Make a big splash, make mistakes, but live.  Live in such a way that people will see God in your life.  Yet the people who make the biggest splash and leave a great wake behind them are not afraid of taking risks and defying the odds.  Think about it.  There is too much we are risking by being cautious.
Isaiah 55:6 (nlt) --- Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.
As I close, here is a quote.  The church has got to be full of risk takers, people who are defying the odds as they live for Jesus.  I came across this morning, and it lit my fire:
(speaking about the church) An imperfect system filled with men and women of integrity will function far better than a perfect system filled with men and women who lack integrity.
That quote came from this dude who is a worship leader in Georgia, and his blog often challenges me.  May God give us strength to live life and to take risks while we have the chance.


Pray for the family of Pastor Charles Alston of Bassett's Oak Hill Cathedral as he passed away last night.  Pray for the family of Dot Porter, a neighbor of the Hubbard family from The Community, as Dot passsed away yesterday.  Continue to pray for Jerry Moore's family and church.  Pray for Tryton Horton.  For Linda Cole.  For Kevin Grier as he is critically ill after an accident early this week.  Harold Martin was in a fire this week and now at Baptist Hospital.  His granddaughter, Brandi, attends The Community from time to time.  Pray for Freedom Baptist Church in our area.


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