What if? What are the things we regret? Should have done this. Shouldn't have done that.
I hear those statements all the time as I talk to people about Jesus. Most people live every day with heavy regret over the things that happen in their lives, yet few people really live.
Philippians 4:13 (nlt) --- For I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.
Colossians 3:2 (nlt) --- Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
Great question: what would you do today if you knew this was the last week of your life? Wow. You and I have not thought like that in a long, long time. We have grocery list a mile long. We have plans upon plans that we would like to take care of or trips we'd like to take or people we'd like to spend time with. But we don't.
As a father, I learn more and more as our three little ones grow that I miss far too much of their lives. I regret that.
As a Christian, I see more and more people that I miss to tell Jesus about. And I may never have the opportunity to talk to them for Him again. I regret that.
As a pastor, I know people that I would really like to influence and messages I'd like to share, yet I put them off 'cause there is another day. I regret that.
What if today or tomorrow was my last chance or your last day of life? What you do differently? What would you do?
I just started a new book and thought of a new series I will be preaching on this topic. It also fits awesome with this week's message in the Chase the Lion series. We have to take risks and seize opportunities. It is time to do those things for Christ's sake.
Colossians 4:16 (nlt) --- Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives.
So, what are we doing to do? Who are we going to spend time with? Here is our opportunity to live.
Remember these special people who still need our prayers: Amber McDaniel, Dorothy Kasey, a friend battling liver problems, and another unspoken for a friend's marriage. Pray for Suzanne Turner's grandfather who may have cancer (she works with my wife).
E-DEVOTIONS are sent on week days from Michael Harrison, lead Pastor of The Community Fellowship in Collinsville, Virginia. E-devotions are intended to encourage your faith in Jesus and your walk with Him. To subscribe, cancel or change your subscription, send an e-mail to Michael at mharrison@thecommunityfellowship.org .