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making lemonade :: Tuesday E-Devotion

My mind was rivoted to the TV late last night for two things (my wife would say that I watch every night).  The first was this cool show John & Kate Plus 8.  We watch it quite often and are spellbound by how this family thrives and the normal life they lead with 8 young kids.  The second was the speach of the new govenor of New York, David Paterson.  This dude is a great speaker with a load of credits to his name, and he is legally blind.
What do you do when you have lemons?  You can leave them alone and let them spoil.  You can let the kids play with them, throw them, roll them down the stairs and the like as well as throw them at each other (I don't suggest that).  You can cut 'em open and suck on the sour things until you have that sour look all over your face.  Or best yet, you can make lemonade.  The choice is yours.
What am I talking about?  Thanks for asking.  Life deals us some tough things.  Some are horrible and no one should have to deal.  Some are fine and will pass.  Others are life threatening and life altering.  Yet none of what we go through is out of the touch of our God.  He loves us.  He is caring for us.  He is offering us opportunities to serve Him and ways to live and enjoy life all along the way.  Far too many people just plain look like they have been sucking on lemons for too long.  Stop it!  Smile for goodness sake.  Go make some sweet lemonade for once.
Ephesians 5:16 (nlt) --- Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.
Philippians 1:6 (nlt) --- And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Romans 8:28 (nlt) --- And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
You have a choice.  If God gives you twins and then sextuplets, you can either go off the deep or you can enjoy what God has given you.  How look at life makes a huge difference.
You have a choice.  If for some reason you are blind, you can either stay in your little dark world or you can seek to find the light that still around.  How you look at your situation won't just change you, it will challenge others.
Years ago I met a lawyer in Georgia who worked for a Grocery chain.  We were at his home one day, his family was part of the church I served an intern working with junior high students, and this blind gentleman began to talk about playing golf.  Yep, you read it right.  He plays golf.  We talked further about how his blindness opens opportunities.  Even with the limitations there are ways to get the job done and to be successful.
What are your limitations?  What are your opportunities?  Got some lemons.  Lets talk about making lemonade.  The difference is in how you look at your life and how you allow God to work in and and through you.  By the way, I think God likes lemonade...refreshing, sweet and more!!!
Ephesians 3:20 (nlt) --- Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 


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