1. Be real with yourselves, others, and God WHERE YOU ARE AT as a group of volunteers.
2. There is an authenticity in a smaller church community that forms the base for healthy numerical growth in the future.
3. The church staff are not the shepherds in the local church. They are the facilitators of the ministry being given by the VOLUNTEERS.
4. The church down the street with the big building is no better off than you are. Actually you are better off in some ways.
5. Having no permanent facilities creates an attitude of servant-hood and obedience that is hard to discover once you have a building. Enjoy the time you have without walls.
6. If the churches in the Buckhead community would spend more time together outside the walls of the buildings…Dare I say it…Revival could take place in our community.
7. God has Christian Church Buckhead where they are for a strategic purpose in our city. And I can't wait to see all He is going to do through them.