It is going to be a great week as we seek the Lord and let Him work in and through our lives. The Community Fellowship enjoyed some great things and some new things this weekend. Take a look at my blog for some of those notes and
Here are some things that I ask you to pray for: Amber McDaniel's court appearance is tomorrow afternoon, and we ask that you plead with God for a miracle that she is released and can move with her parents and twin boys to move to Texas on Wednesday. Wilbur Turner lives near our church and has been on a transplant like for a new liver. As a veteran he got news today a possible liver is set for him. Please pray for Wilbur and his family as they are excited and asking for his healing.
One of the things that I am most excited about is the series One Prayer that begins in just two weeks. The Community Fellowship and House of Prayer Church are part of the 1,080 plus churches joining forces with this. Further, we announced yesterday a possible link between House of Prayer and The Community. Please pray for the leaders of both churches as we seek the Lord for direction. This is where He is leading us, and it is so exciting...more notes to come.
I close with some verses that have hit us greatly since we began as a church and will help as both churches seek the Lord.
Isaiah 43:18-19 (nlt) --- But forget all thatāit is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Tune in for more about "authentic community" and One Prayer later this week. Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all of you who have served our nation in military who helped secure our freedom.
[+] E-DEVOTIONS: author, Michael Harrison, lead Pastor, The Community Fellowship; reason, encourage you to follow Jesus; archived at, Michael's blog,; subscribe or contact info,