I copied this from Jonathan Herron's blog about White Board:
Some Whiteboard quotes:
"The favor of God is God's ability to do something that you can't do yourself...
Confess our SMALL dreams to God." - Mark Batterson
"Messed up people sought out Jesus. Are messed up people in our town seeking out our church?" - Vince Antonucci
"Worship is the natural response to being captivated...
You really only know your idols when they're threatened or in danger." - Darrin Patrick
"In the local church, God has put Himself on display." - Mark Dever
"Ministry is the toughest job on the planet. Instead of leading by power or ego or force, pastors lead by washing feet." - Perry Noble
"God promises us His presence; He doesn't always promise us the answers." - Ed Stetzer