I am sure you have noticed, as I have, that our economy and other issues have continued to make the population of those in need grow in big ways. We've taken note of this in big ways, and The Community Fellowship has chosen to begin working in the homeless community right here and beyond. There is a huge learning curve, but we are moving forward with learning.
One way we are learning is through a partnership with Matthew Murphy, pastor and church planter in Roanoke, VA, that has a feeding ministry on Sunday afternoons. On January the 18th, and the 3rd Sunday of coming months, we are going to be preparing, serving and sharing with Matthew in Roanoke. If you are close to The Community and want to join in, let me know soon (we will share details on Sunday).
A few weeks ago I was blessed to spend sometime with a gentleman who is in our area and homeless. I learned so much by just a few minutes of conversation, running some errands and some giving too. You see his wife is in prison, has been and will continue for sometime. He lost his job. Too much to the story. But I listened. And I learned.
We need to see and seize needs. But has to begin with someone. It may just be you. Step out and make a difference.
I think all this began for us as we have been doing the Clothes Closet ministry for more than 2 years now and then we began doing ARK's (acts of random kindness) a few months ago. We are seeing God do some great things and change lives along the way. In fact, we are asking God for, we are encouraging our families to push for and it is our choice to begin a revolution by serving. I shared that word a week or so ago, and it is coming back to us already.
What people see us doing and what they see we are passionate about, they will imitate. That is cool. Kills me when I hear my kids imitate the wrong words I use or do the wrong things I do, but it thrills me when I see them do things that honor God, some things they have seen me and my wife do and others. It thrills God even more.
How can we become part of that revolution? The answer is ... minister to those in need. Just do it. Let it begin with you. See a need and meet a need. This doesn't have to be a full fledged ministry effort from the church or from a social agency in your area. It could just be taking from your wallet and/or from your heart to touch one life for just one minute. Are we willing to minister to those in need? It costs us something.
2 Corinthians 9:11 (nlt) --- Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.
Acts 2:45 (nlt) --- They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need.
One more verse, but I have to recognize that I have used it several times. Yet I see that this stuff has to begin somewhere. Many of you see the need, but you are not going to do anything about it. No, we cannot meet them all. But we can start now making a difference. It doesn't just happen with dollars. It happens with time, effort, caring, words, smiles and more. Be creative. Let God live and breathe and create through you. Start now ... minister to those in need!
1 John 3:17 (nlt) --- If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassionāhow can God's love be in that person?