Zechariah 7:9 (nlt) ---This is what the Lord of Heaven's Armies says: Judge fairly, and show mercy and kindness to one another.
Are you touched like I am by acts of kindness and stories about changed lives? I am. Yep, there are people that are out for a handout and to take advantage others, but there are some people who just have big needs. Know what? I am convinced that the people of God have been gifted to give. That is to give of ourselves to serve and love others. By doing that we share the best of God and even point people to God.
That is the calling of my life. I believe it is the calling of yours as well. Yes, giving makes me feel good. That's good. But that giving also goes way far past me. I love it when I hear a story of someone who gave without anyone else knowing where the gift or service came from.
I'm listening to a sermon from Frances Chan right now. He is talking about how people at his church reach out to families who do not know Jesus when they have a family member that dies. They are seeing people won to Christ by simply showing kindness, praying and sharing.
I got a call last night from one of The Community's leaders, and she shared with me with FaceBook group. That group is about doing 1 ARK (act of random kindness) per day during 2009. That is huge. But I am overwhelmed with and love the doors that opened and the stories that come from unselfish acts.
One of those acts that is often neglected is prayer. It is a definite ARK. This can change a situation or a life. It will point someone past yourself to something or better someone greater. Prayer points us and others toward God. Think about it!
"Sometimes have got to pray for someone else's family like they are your own family." ā Dino Rizzo
Lets leave this week with something so much more than we could give ourselves. Lets pray for others.
If someone asks you to pray, pray right then. On the phone. In an email. In the store. At church. In the house. You name it. Pray right there. There may be no better act of kindness.
Colossians 4:2 (nlt) --- Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
James 5:16 (nlt) --- Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.