I heard Henry Blackaby say something this years ago: watch to see who God brings into your church to see what he wants to do in your church. I'm not quoting his book Experiencing God, but it came from that. Aren't you amazed at what God does through the church? I love these people. Some of them are different or even strange (and you know that too).
Yet, those precious people are gifted and talented and have much to give. Look around you. What has God proved?
Maybe your church is like many I have known in the past. It is like pulling teeth to get them to do anything. I love to watch people begin to serve. It is kind of catching too. The more we share vision and passion, the more people begin to use what God has given them.
I mentioned Rick Warren yesterday. He shares that when we know our S.H.A.P.E. (spiritual gifts. heart, abilities, personality and experience) we will know how we can best serve. It is our job to help others find what they are gifted at, what is their SHAPE and get them involved in the life and service of God's church.
1 Peter 4:10 (nlt) --- God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
God may just use you to help others start using what God has given them. Who comes into the church may very well be the ones who will help the church, you and I, accomplish more than we ever thought possible.