"Envy will eat you up." -- Ed Young Jr
Heard that at the conference I was attending, and God began to pour into me some more thoughts about what envy really is.
This morning I turned on the computer and began to read my favorite blogs, and I found THIS video from Scott Williams. Go watch the video HERE.
It's kind of like God wants me to deal with this subject, learn as much as I can, talk about it and envy grow through it. What do you think? Envy often time consumes us. It consumes our thoughts, our money, our relationships, ours jobs, our marriages and families and even our churches. Yes, that is true.
We are continuing the HOW TO BE RICH series at The Community Fellowship talking about how money and possessions often are deceiving or will take our thoughts and our lives in a direction we might not want to go. Envy is that way. When we allow envy is stick around in our lives, we will be in trouble. Ask yourself (as I am), where do I need to deal with envy? Where do I need God to give me victory over envy?
Proverbs 23:17 (nlt) --- Don't envy sinners,but always continue to fear the Lord.
Galatians 5:26 (nlt) --- Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another. (the scripture right before that is the fruit of the Spirit.)
Job 5:2 (cev) --- Envy and jealousy will kill a stupid fool.
Is this true? If we don't deal with envy, it will hold us hostage!