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random thoughts

As I have finally returned to the office after a great week at a conference here in our state, there are many, many things on my mind.  Preparing to kick off a new sermon series this weekend on our church's vision is just one of them.  Another is the needs of families and those hurting in our area.  I see more every day.  Yet as I look back over the last few days, here are some things and thoughts that have stuck with me:

In the past you have encouraged many a troubled soul to trust in God; you have supported those who were weak. Your words have strengthened the fallen. Job 4:3-4

I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" Lamentations 3:24

Jonathan Falwell wrote in the front cover of the conference brochure this sentence: I am more passionate than ever about the opportunities we have to use ever changing methods to present the never changing message of the Gospel.  That's good....

Lance Witt said a couple things that I cannot get out of my head: The greatest leadership challenge is ambition ... After we have dealt well with ambition we will have ample joy, gratitude, freedom and courage ... What drives me to be do busy? ... Sometimes we are consumed with our need to be needed which is wrong.  I'm wrestling with much of what he shared.

Chris Hodges talked about being in love with Jesus not in love with working for God.  Here are a couple thoughts: There is no substitute for what goes on on the inside of you.  God asks, I know what you do for me, but do you love me?  That question hurts; doesn't it?

Billy Hornsby said this: God sees value in us, and because He sees value he will make something great out of us because of how good He is.

Greg Surratt reminded those who preach and teach this: If we stand on anything else other than the Gospel, we complicate the truth and narrow of the target of people we can reach.

Perry Noble hit me in the heart when he said this: We spend too much time wrestling with church people and not enough time wrestling with God ... we have the same God that was there in the book of Acts.  We can prepare for a move of God, but we cannot plan for it ... If it's God's will, it's God's bill.

Mark Deymaz made us stop and think.  Read on: People will not accept the message that God loves them from pulpits and pews that are segregated ... the church must build cross cultural relationships as well as take intentional steps to minister too and with people who are not like us. This was the hardest stuff to hear during the Innovate Church conference, but needed.  More notes on my blog later.

Matt Fry said this: How you respond to conflict will determine your level of impact ... You will face crisis, but 'the gates of hell will not prevail' against God's church.  But Satan is coming after us. Each of us deal with crisis and conflict.  I'm learning through it.  Are you?

Just a few thoughts that hit me.  I pray these random thoughts will get you thinking and spending time with God.


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