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"From Eternity to Here" by Frank Viola

Frank Viola has presented us with some real food for thought.  Well over a year ago I sunk much time into Francis Chan's book Crazy Love, and it almost wrecked my heart and also began some new paths for ministry and life.  God continues to use the understanding of His love for me and my love for Him.

In From Eternity to Here Viola offers us a different and unique look at our God and the church.  He addresses "the forgotten woman: the bride of Christ", "an eternal quest: the house of God" and "a new species: the body of Christ and the family of God".  The way that each is looked at will make you look at God and your understanding of Him different.

Viola is a gifted story teller who has in this book traced truth from Genesis to Revelation with deep conviction and passion that will renew a person's life and relationship with God in all aspects of life.

Loving God is a huge deal.  If you are on the journey to love God with all you are and all you have, reading this book will add to the adventure and give you much to think about.  Give it a try.  Discover new or forgotten truth.  But most of all, come away with a renewed sense of what God put us here on earth to God.  Fact is, God loves the church.  Fact is, the church moves forward as we love God.



The following bloggers are posting a review or Q & A with Frank Viola on his bestselling book FROM ETERNITY TO HERE. You may order the book at a discount at ā€“ it's also on audio book. Free discussion guide, sample chapters, interviews, and a free audio of the first chapter are available on that site also. Here are the bloggers who are participating:


Jay Becker -

Mark D -

Igniting Hearts - Kimber Britner -

Karyn -


Barefoot Preacher -


Every Day Angels -


FaithEngineer -


Kristen Schiffman -


CrossPointe: The Church at Bevo -

Crazy Love for God -

Amazima Ministries -

Down to Write Honest -

A Beautiful Mess -

The Blakes on a Mission -

Words by Jud Kossum -

Eric Jaffe -

Reconnect with God ā€“

2nd Cup of Coffee -

Nolan Bobbitt Website -

Klappyanne -

Daveingland -

Randi Jo Rooks -

Ephesians Five ā€“

Michael Bayne -

Encounter Church Helena Blog -

Thoughts B4 Conviction N2 Action -

Edevotion -

Seeking After -

Eric Powell -

Borrowed Light -


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