Philippians 1:5 (NLT) --- for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.
Who are your partners in life? That would be your co-workers or classmates, your parents or spouse, your relatives or neighbors. All of those people share life with you.
Who are your partners in faith? That could be the people you go to church with and the people you minister with, the people you pray with and the people you study the Bible with and many others.
Those partners help us to live life. They really do. Our lives would be empty without the partners that God gives us. For me these people give me encouragement. They remind me when I move off track. They lift me up when I am weak. They meet me where I am when things aren't so good. They fill the gaps in my life so often. Yep. Sometimes it is family. Sometimes those people are my friends. No matter who, they are our partners.
I looked around at the people I served with this weekend at the speedway and saw countless partners from numerous churches and backgrounds. Back at The Community there were my weekly and precious partners seeing that the work went on, people like Greg & Susi that shared their story in a great way. Last night I was part of a new ministry, The Table, kicked off with more than 11 church and 60 plus people working together. At a meeting today and at lunch I looked around at some more friends and noticed that God is calling event more people to partner together.
Without partners we are week. So for a few minutes today I ask you to think about the partners that God has given you.
Proverbs 17:17 (NLT) --- A friend is always loyal,and a brother is born to help in time of need.
Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NLT) --- If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.
Acts 2:44 (NLT) --- And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.
Who are your partners? Who do you need to go thank for being your partner? Now go do that. I thank God for those God has given me as partners in life! You are one of them, and I am grateful for you!
[+] Please Pray
Richard Holland had an appt at Baptist Hospital today due to a tumor & pain in his leg. Please pray for healing. Marilyn Dickey, my friend from Oklahoma, had a shunt put in her brain this morning, and the surgery went well. Continue to pray for Joan Norman as she went to Duke to see a speciality today to look at the spot DR's found in her.
[+] E-DEVOTIONS: written by Michael Harrison, lead Pastor, The Community Fellowship; reason to encourage you to follow Jesus; archived at Michael's blog,; subscribe, unsubscribe or contact