As I often do, I am sitting back thinking and preparing for the week God shows up. He continues a conversation we started a few days ago. I am in awe. The things I hear God say have blown me away. The thoughts running through my head are not mine. They are his and are changing me in big ways.
Have you ever experienced that? A relationship with God will change your life. I read the following verses and know that God is talking about my motives. This man gets honest and hits hard. He asks God to keep him pure and keep his life straight. This man reveals his weakness. A tough conversation, but what I see is someone saying "I need God all the way." And we do.
Proverbs 30:7-9 (The Message) --- And then he prayed, "God, I'm asking for two things before I die; don't refuse me— Banish lies from my lips and liars from my presence. Give me enough food to live on, neither too much nor too little. If I'm too full, I might get independent, saying, God? Who needs him?' If I'm poor, I might steal and dishonor the name of my God."
I have asked this before: "Why am I like this?" Most of the time that question comes when I am unhappy and times are tough. But sometimes that question has to be asked when things are right and God is blowing us away. God has made us for more than just living. He has made us to enjoy Him.
A song that hits this close for me is Toby Mac's "Made to Love". Here is part of the song:
The dream's alive with my eyes opened wide, Back in the ring you've got me swinging for the grand prize. I feel the haters spittin vapors on my dreams, But I still believe. I'm reachin out, reachin up, reachin over. I feel a breeze cover me called Jehovah, And daddy I'm on my way Cause I was made to love...
I was made to love you, I was made to find you, I was made just for you. Made to adore you, I was made to love And be loved by you. You were here before me. You were waiting on me And you said you'd keep me, Never would you leave me I was made to love and be loved by you
The first that I did not quote above talks about a mystery of how life changes. When we see who we are in Christ, things change. They have to change. He made us for more than just getting by. God made us to know Him, to love Him and to be loved by Him. That is relationship and is awesome.
These thoughts have blown me away today, and I pray they will do the same for you.