All Access 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Don't ever apologize for preaching the Gospel. Generosity ā¦ Robert Morris
1. don't apologize for preaching God's word about money. Matthew 16
Ā· If we don't tell God's people about money, who will?
Ā· Preach about it and people will give.
Ā· 3 times the word MAMMON is in this passage
Ā· all money has a spirit on it. Cursed or consecrated.
Ā· There are consequences for not serving God. God is waiting to bless us. Consequences to obedience are blessing. Consequences to disobedience is cursing.
Ā· Mammon promises everything that God can give. If you had more money, you'd be ā¦.
Ā· Jesus never told anyone that the answer to their problem is more money.
Ā· Mammon tries to replace God.
Ā· Spirit of anit-Christ is the spirit of mammon.
2. don't apologize for preaching God's word about tithing.
Ā· We are still tied to the law yet under grace.
Ā· Tithing is about your heart. Exodus 23:19, Proverbs 3:9-10, Exodus 3:1-13
Ā· Jesus was God's tithe.
Ā· God will not accept any offering that is first. He cannot be anything other than 1st.
Ā· God cannot change because he cannot get better. He's already perfect.
Ā· Nothing has ever just occurred to God.
Ā· Galatians 4:3-5. Cain's offering was not the first fruits. Abel's offering was of the first part of his things.
Ā· In your heart is where it matters. The first place it goes is who you honor.
Ā· You bring the tithe. You don't give your tithe.
Ā· The tithe is to go to the storehouse, the local church. Tithing is returning to God. It is not giving. You also can't designate your tithe because it is not yours.
3. don't apologize for preaching God's word about giving.
Ā· Tithing is returning to God what is his.
Ā· Tithing is the starting place that teaches giving. Luke 6:37, Matthew 7:1