This week has not been an one of the easiest weeks. It began when I learned that John Adams had passed away. His son and daughter in law, Kasim and Cindy Adams, are leaders at The Community Fellowship. I have been pastor of the entire family in the past at The Orchard in Bassett and served with them for years in various ways. Sandra, John's wife, and Tressi, their daughter, mean the world to me as well. I respect them big time.
As I said at the funeral yesterday, John Adams was a giant. He lived his faith out loud. One person said this, "he not only read the Word, he lived it!" Just to read on Facebook what people have said about John has been incredible. He was a man that knew the power of influence.
John and Sandra bought a store in the Sanville community of Henry County, Virginia in the early 1960's, and for almost 50 years John has influenced people every day through living a life of character, love and generosity. Remember, the way we live and the way we interact with people will have an impact on the people we come in contact with. What kind of influence are you having on the people you know and the people you meet?
Proverbs 22:9āØ(NASB) --- He who is generous will be blessed, For he gives some of his food to the poor.
To be generous is something that our generation and our hurting world needs. When John would serve his neighbors and customers (who were his neighbors Biblically speaking), he was extending the hands of God and sharing life. When we give, we are more like Jesus than at any other time. From John we can learn to give, and when we have given, give some more because God will return to us and bless us.
Deuteronomy 6:7āØ(NASB) --- You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
If you knew John, you have heard him talk about his faith and about Jesus. He took the verse above literally. As he and Sandra have watched their children, Kasim and Tressi, they have seen their legacy going far beyond them because they gave their kids faith in what will last.
John 3:16 (NASB) --- For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
That was John's favorite verse because his life's purpose was to 'uplift the kingdom of God'. Those were his words and not mine. His power of influence led many people, the numbers we don't know, to see and know God.
Through the power of influence John Adams has touched more lives than we will ever know. His character along with his generosity and love of God will be here long after we have forgotten about the events of this week. The power of influence is seen in this one life. Is it seen in yours?
I challenge you and me to influence people for God. I challenge you to influence people to see that there is something bigger and better than you and than this life. I challenge you to stand tall in faith even if things aren't going your way. We must learn much from John Adams. My life will never be the same because of his influence. I have learned forgiveness and generosity, kindness and humility, love for family and love for people I don't even know, caring for people who don't care for me and quietness when I would rather be mean.
John Adams knew and lived the power of influence. And that influence is Jesus!
and I agree we all need to be like this every second of the day cause like God's word say what we do to other people we are also doing to God.