Sunday was an incredible day for me as I watched our folks interact with the message I was honored to share. It was our last day of the One prayer series, and God laid on my heart to deal with relationships and how God desires our lives to be built on Jesus. The overflow of the day has left me in awe.
I listened to the story of a man whose marriage is being restored.
I got a letter from a visitor whose life has recently been torn apart by divorce but sees God's love in living color.
I watched some couples spend time together praying and sharing.
Several other people have stepped in to listen more to what God has to say.
Those are big stories, and that is not the end of them. Think with me about the relationships you are in. Your marriage, your children, your co-workers and friends ... all of those should see Jesus through the way you interact with them.
When we live by the example of Jesus and share the love of God, things change. God's kind of love changes lives. It will change us, and it will change others who we interact with. What are some things, what are some ways that we can share His love with others?
1 Peter 4:8āØ(NLT) --- Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.
That love really does cover sin. It first lets us know that because of what Jesus did for us He covers and forgives our sin. When we love others, that leads us to forgive more and be less selfish. It really does cover sin and shortcomings when we live by and share God's love.
God's love also pushes away things that destroy our relationships. It pushes away guilt, fear and much more. Lots of relationships are built on fear. Lots of relationships are built on one person getting their needs met. When fear overtakes you or that person's needs are are not met, things fall a part. God's love doesn't allow that to happen because fear is pushed away.
1 John 4:18āØ(NLT) --- Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.
Lets allow God's love to take our relationships to the next level. Let's make sure the love of God is what we are sharing and the standard that we share with those we are in relationship with. If we do that, our relationships will be unstoppable.
We all want AND need unstoppable relationships!