It was lunch time. I had come to town to help another church with something they had going on. So, the pastor and I were going to have lunch together. this is a guy that I respect greatly and is a great leader.
We ordered our food, and I started firing away with the questions (this was several months ago). His answer that sticks in my mind the most was from my question about leading leaders. He said, "share with those you lead who is leading you, who you are reading from and who is stretching you." That shot back into my mind this morning after I had stopped to read some things from Paul J. Meyer.
My dad went to school with Meyer's wife. Meyer died last year and his legacy is incredible. I had heard his name before, but now I am getting to hear and see so much more as I begin to read his books on leadership.
That pastor I mentioned said to tell people who you are learning from. I believe that we need to take every opportunity to learn. Sit at the feet of people you admire and people you love and soak up what they have to share. Don't waste your time with people who waste their time. Find those who are making a difference in their world and making a difference in you. Then learn from them.
Who are you listening to?
Matthew 19:14 (NLT) --- But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children."
2 Timothy 1:13 (NLT) --- Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from meāa pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:17 (NLT) --- Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example.
The Apostle Paul was not being arrogant. He was leading the people around him to impact more people. Listen: real leaders impact the people around them so they can impact others. Here is another way to look at real leaders: people character serve the people they are around and lead those people to serve other people. Make sense?
Tell me, who are you listening to? Here is a list of some folks that are inspiring me these days (each name is also a link):
Ben Stroup, Dan Woods, Paul J. Meyer, Craig Groeschel, Donna Pratt, Dave Ohlerking, Mark Harvoth, Matthew Barnett, Jenni Catron, Julie Harrison ... that is just a few. You may know some of them.
Tell others who you are listening to and who you are learning from so that you can lead more people to live fully devoted lives to Jesus!