Psalm 29:4 NLT The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic. Do you hear Him? God is always speaking. But do we know that? Have we experienced this? What might be in the way of us hearing from God? It could be our sin or our pride. It might even be the fact that we are not listening. You could even say that you just plain don't think God is speaking. Fact: God is always speaking. Another fact: we humans don't always listen. Yet when we hear God and respond to God great things will happen. As I said yesterday, our choices today will impact the results and blessings that tomorrow will bring our way. Hearing from God may just change everything in our lives. Another reason we might not be listening or hearing God is fear. We are afraid that what God would say would be too hard to hear or too hard to do. He might make us give up something. When we get on our heart what God has on His heart ... when we want what God wants ......