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God is able

Where do you and God meet?  For some people the answer to that question is NEVER.  For others the answer is RARELY.  I talk to lots of people each week and many of them come to the place where they have little or no self worth.  They are constantly beating themselves up.  Is that true about you?

For most who deal with this it began not from themselves but from other people telling them they are worthless and will amount to nothing.  I talked at length today with Rachel Crawford from Acts 2 Ministries in Roanoke, Virginia.  They work with inner-city middle and high school students and do incredible things.  The stories she shared with me were so moving.  Those kids are in desperate situations where people don't believe in them.  Yet when someone who knows God and genuinely cares pours into one of these students, things change because God is able.

You see, when people get a correct view of how God sees them THINGS CHANGE.  We need to see what God sees and hear what God says.

God says you are special.

God says I have plan for your life.

God says I made you for greatness.

Those things are the plain truth.  We have to believe them.  We have to put into place the facts of what God says.  Yet as I dig a little deeper another problem is that we just don't know who God is or what He is able to do.

From Chris Tomlin's song "Our God", here are some things that He reminds us of:

Water You turned into wine.  Open the eyes of the blind.  There's no one like You.  None like You.  Into the darkness You shine.  Out of the ashes we rise.  There's no one like You.  None like You

CHORUS Our God is greater, our God is stronger.  God You are higher than any other.  Our God is Healer, awesome in power.  Our God, Our Godā€¦ 

Into the darkness you shining.  Out of the ashes we Rise. There's no One like You.  None like You... And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.  
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against? 

If our view or belief of God is warped and wrong, then we can not see God and how great He really is.  We ask people to believe God, yet maybe we need to step back and say this is who God is and what He does.  Our God is able, He is incredible and so much more!

He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God's weakness isstronger than the greatest of human strength.

We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.

But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners.


rachel Crawford saidā€¦
And I as well was blessed to share your heart for not only people around you but seeking and intentionally loving on the broken. We, too want to intentionally form relationships with kids, fight boredom with both hands, and watch that when they fall in love with the Lord: Change happens!
*Hope IS Everything!

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