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reflecting on 5 years of church life

Lamentations 3:20-23 NASB
Surely my soul remembers And is bowed down within me. This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

Over the last 5 years we have seen God do some incredible things.  He has more than met the needs of The Community Fellowship as we've gone through lean times and overflowing times.  The best part has been the lives that have been changed.

Yesterday during our 5th year celebration 23 people were baptized.  AWESOME doesn't even come close to saying enough about it.  It was big a process to get all of it together and to pull it off, yet what I was struck with in the face of every person was their story.  Everybody has a story, and like I've said before, God doesn't waste the experiences of our lives.  What a HUGE blessing it was to think through the history and what I know about each of those people who went through the waters of baptism.

There are many things that we can talk about and celebrate, but I want to make a clear point in today's e-devotion.  Please hear me loud and clear.  The best days of The Community Fellowship are in front of us.  Yes, we have seen and experienced the goodness and the greatness of God.  But He will do it again and again and again.  God is already working in the lives of people around us.  He continues to bring people our way.

In the last year this is evident with the beginning of The Community Dream Center.  The future is big and bright because our God is able to do more than we can dream up on our own (see Ephesians 3:20).

What does God want to do in and through your life?  Keep on experiencing Him every day.  Remember Him.  Spend time with Him.  The dude that wrote the Bible book of Lamentations said that God's love and kindness never come to an end.  He said that God's compassion can't fail and that every day His goodness is new and fresh and exciting.  That is the God we serve.

I am so excited about the future of this church and God's work among all the churches in our area.  I am on fire to see more lives changed.  It is NOT time to stop and give up on people.  It is time to let people who can't see God's grace see it lived out in and through our lives.  This is not a time to back up.  This is a time to push forward.  God is faithful.  Period.

He still is changing lives.  Today I looking into the eyes of a young lady who has been beaten up by the world, some by her choices and some not.  But I was able to say to her, "God loves you and He has great plans for you."  That's not just words.  I believe it.

Church, I believe that we must be the most creative place on the planet because we have the greatest message to share, and the message's name is JESUS.  People, I believe that we must in every way possible get the attention of the people around us and tell them about JESUS.  It is all about JESUS.  Nothing else.  It is all JESUS.

Reflecting on 5 years of church life it is evident that God has done things that no one else can do.  Even greater things are coming.  Do you believe it?  Join me as I join God!

But forget all thatā€” it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.  For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.


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