… the devil … He has always hated the truth, because
there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character;
for he is a liar and the father of lies.
The poster above is from www.potsc.com (People of the Second Chance) and
a series called “Label Lies”. So many of
us have believed the lies that have been told about us. Someone said “you are no good” or “you will
never amount to any thing” or “you are a corrupt ex-con”. Those things might have been true at one
time, but if you let God work in your life, those things will become lies.
Let me remind us that Satan is a liar. As the verse above plainly says, it is the
character of the devil, Satan, to be a liar and to tell lies. He lies to us and to the world about God, and he
lies to us about who we are and who we are about.

Last year Steve began to volunteer full-time with the
church and The Community Dream Center. Since
then we’ve been able to hire him part-time.
What inspires me and others more than anything is how God has changed
this man and how Steve is now pouring his life into others. I have listened to Steve speak honestly into
the lives of several broken and hurting people.
Steve speaks as man who has “been there” and who is now a brand new man.
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
Steve was a “corrupt ex-con” but now is living as a
man who has met God and is allowing God to remold and remake his life. Steve and his girlfriend are now married and
so blessed. They have their issues and
aren’t perfect. But they are honest, and
they are sharing their lives with others.
It is time for us to get honest and to stop believing
the lies that Satan or anyone else says to us or about us. Believe what God says. Live it out.
I am so proud of Steve as my co-worker and
friend. There are greater days coming
for all of us. We are called to speak
life into others as I have been doing for Steve and now he is doing for others!