If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.
I am strong. In my head, I believe that I have things together. But I don't, at least not all the time.
While at the speedway this past Sunday, I stood up from where I had been seated and began to walk down the steps, and before I could catch myself, I fell down a few steps. It was humbling and a bit painful. Plus those steps are steep.
I'm not sure all that happened, but my legs have been very sore this week. I honestly know the old saying "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" is very true.
That makes me stop and think about how we stand in life. Often we really think we have it together, but all of the sudden we seem to turn some proverbial corner and life falls apart. It is when we fall flat on our faces.
There are many things that make us fall. It could be our personal choices that make us fall. It could be something wrong with our health that makes us fall. It might even be pride that says we don't need any help at all. But God desires to keep us from falling and to help us up when we do fall.
Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.
Falling hurts. It takes a while to get over the pain. When we fall in life, there are so many things that are needed to help us be stable in the future. But God makes us stable. The more we lean on Him, the more stable we are. We need each other too. Often we can keep each other from falling. We can warn each other of the difficulties ahead.
Have you fallen already? Let other people help up and give you some stability. Maybe there is a fall coming in your future. You can't predict it, but falling might just happen to you like it did me. Let people help you up and help you get back on your feet.
I am convinced that Christians need to help our family who have fallen instead of talking about them or kicking them even more. Falling is a reality of life. Being flat on our face is not fun, but it will happen. Who are you going to help get you? Who might be there to help you?
I fell flat on my face Sunday. When I came to a stop, there were a couple people that helped me to my feet. It was humbling, and it was painful. But it was also good to know that when I fall, there is someone, and several people, there to pick me up.
If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.