My wife says, most likely rightfully so, that I didn't get enough spankings as a child. Whether that is right or not, we will not discuss in today's note, but I would like to share some thoughts with you.
I've heard my parents say, me say to my kids and other parents say "this hurts me more than it does you" to which I have loving said NO WAY to that. Yet as a parent the pain of a spanking goes deep into my heart. I don't like to hurt my kids or give them pain, but I so want to protect them from far greater pain.
I sat reading this morning and came across a passage that has me thinking and, honestly, so grateful to be a son, a parent and a child of God. Thus, I will share it with you…
And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children? He said, "My child, don't make light of the LORD's discipline, and don't give up when he corrects you. For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child."
The reason why we discipline our children is because we love them. Discipline comes because of something done wrong, and that is the point where we have the opportunity to correct, press goodness into and straighten what must be crooked. In love we want our kids to have the best and do right and even to be blessed!
God disciplines us because He loves us. It is not because he is harsh or wants us to be puppets to do His will. His correction places us on a path that might change us from unproductive to productive and from problem to possibility.
It hurts me to have to discipline my kids. In fact my wife is much better at this than I am. God is so much better at this than I am. But I need His love which means I need His discipline. When I accept God's discipline, I can become a much better person and in a position to receive God's blessings and to be a blessing to others.
That is a fresh perspective on discipline for me. Maybe it is for you too.
I returned from the west coast late Tuesday night, and since then, life has continued to move fast. We are also facing some difficult decisions. I am reminded that when I follow or you follow God we set ourselves up for the enemies attack. Discipline as well opens a door for the enemy to see a place where he can try to work.
To accept God's discipline, to chose to grow, we will see the greatness of God move over our lives. Not sure about you, but I want all of God's best for my family, for the church and ministry I serve and for myself! I don't like discipline, but I am resting in the fact that my heavenly father loves me.