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Showing posts from December, 2011

start the new year in church

We'd like to invite you to The Community Fellowship for worship on the first day of 2012.  A new series will begin as well as a challenge to make this one count in great ways.  Over the last 5 and a half years God has used our church to impact many, many lives, but 2012 is sure to impact the most.  Start the New Year right.  Worshipping Jesus.  In church with friends.  And may God blow our minds as we pursue Him in 2012!

relationships --- day 4 --- opportunities for 2012

2 Corinthians 13:11 NLT Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. This will be my last post and devotion for 2012 (guess, I should make it a good one).   It will also be the last one of the ā€œopportunities for 2012ā€ series I have shared this week.   Let me dig down real deep and share a piece of my heart and something that continues to be a struggle for me. Ok.   One of our core values at The Community Fellowship and something that has continued to help us grow and encourage people is our value of being transparent and honest about our failures and pain.   God never wastes a hurt.   God uses our pain.   He works in our weakness by giving us His strength. Our most valuable resource is people.   I already said that this week, and the way we deal with people is th...

day 3 --- opportunities for 2012

back2school 2011 volunteers & kids Ephesians 5:16 NLT Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Galatians 5:13 NLT For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But donā€™t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. Letā€™s continue our conversation about opportunities for the upcoming new year (only a few days away).   To this point we have talked about giving and mentoring.   Today we are picking up the subject of volunteering. I love volunteers.   The church I serve as well as the organizations I am a part of would NOT function without great volunteers.   These people arenā€™t paid, but are worth lots of pay.   These people have variety of talents that make all of us stronger.   We need volunteers. Life is busy, my life is busy every day.   Yet I chose to volunteer my time and energy with some great...

day 2 --- opportunities for 2012

Proverbs 27:17 NLT As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. I am sharing in this weekā€™s notes about opportunities for 2012.   Today I want to focus on relationships.   People are our most important resource and more important than anything else. Often we put our time and energy into things that we believe are vital, yet when those things, budgets or planning, are done and gone, the people we are around will still be there.   Are we sacrificing people for things that are not so important? Years ago I met some people who began pouring into my life.   Some of them gave me character insight about living as a strong individual, others taught me about faith and serving others and some sat with me and Godā€™s word helping me know God and lead others to know Him.   I am grateful for Trisha Elliott, Dan Korver, Phil Dietz, Harry Thompson, Gil Fisher, Herb Hodges, Ken Keene, my dad, my brother Steve and more ā€¦ recently seve...

opportunities for 2012

Can you believe that less than one week away is 2012?   Honestly, this past year has flown by and brought me so many blessings, encouragement and changed lives.   You could say the same.   Sit back this week for a few minutes and count your blessings, note what youā€™ve seen God do and celebrate the facts. This week I am going to share some things that we will be able to be part of in 2012.   Remember, this is from my perspective.   I will share some things that have helped our family, our church and myself.   I will share some things I will be part of and things I believe in.   Thanks for listening in on this conversation for a few days because I know God is going to open your mind and heart to what I share and even moreā€¦ Today I want to share about giving.   Matthew 23:23 NLT ā€œWhat sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income fr...