We stay connected to God in many ways. After we know we are Christians and have accepted Jesus as our Savior, there are several ways to stay connected to God. One of those is by being part of a church that lives and speaks the truth of the Bible. Another way is to be in relationships with others Christians who are seeking God. Prayer is a way we stay close to God, hear from Him and share our hearts with God. It is something often overlooked and misunderstood. Yet when we have a stronger understanding of prayer we will use it each day and more. A simple conversation is an easy way to understand prayer. Just like you are talking to a friend that you care about, it is a conversation that goes both directions, listening and speaking. Prayer connects us to God, and we donāt have to use all those old Bible words like Thee and Thou or have to be able to pronounce Bible names and places. Ephesians 1:18-22 (NLT) I pray ...