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Showing posts from April, 2012

PRAYER: stronger with understanding

We stay connected to God in many ways.   After we know we are Christians and have accepted Jesus as our Savior, there are several ways to stay connected to God.   One of those is by being part of a church that lives and speaks the truth of the Bible.   Another way is to be in relationships with others Christians who are seeking God. Prayer is a way we stay close to God, hear from Him and share our hearts with God.   It is something often overlooked and misunderstood.   Yet when we have a stronger understanding of prayer we will use it each day and more. A simple conversation is an easy way to understand prayer.   Just like you are talking to a friend that you care about, it is a conversation that goes both directions, listening and speaking.   Prayer connects us to God, and we donā€™t have to use all those old Bible words like Thee and Thou or have to be able to pronounce Bible names and places. Ephesians 1:18-22 (NLT) I pray ...

opportunities at The Community

News from The Community Fellowship, April 27, 2012 Greetings from The Community as we are well into the spring season, a great time, for our church family to grow closer to God and to each others.  There are some opportunities we don't want you to miss. 4th SATURDAY FREE COMMUNITY MEAL This Saturday beginning at 4pm is our community meal.  Please pass word to those who would be blessed by this meal.  Volunteers are needed and should arrive at 3:30.  Please bring desserts. the LABELS series We continue our LABELS series this weekend at church and have already seen God do some tremendous things in the lives of people as we put away the wrong labels we've believed and put on and held on to the labels that are true.  Invite some one to come with you this Sunday at 10:10am as we talk about the lie that we, or anyone, is worthless. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Another session of this awesome marriage class begins this Saturday and will last the next 8 weeks.  Did w...

practicing restraint (David did)

1 Samuel 24:7 (NLT) So David restrained his men and did not let them kill Saul . After Saul had left the cave and gone on his way, David had every right to kill Saul.   Or so it seemed.   Since coming to serve King Saul, David had been blessed by God.   He had killed Goliath saving the name of the king and his subjects as well as avenging the mocking of their God.   David became a thorn in Saulā€™s side, and Saul decided to remove David. He was anointed king.   Saul was the king the people asked for.   David was anointed king when Saul decided to turn away from God.   Every time that Saul tried to remove or kill David something gave David the ability to get away.   This happened many times.   Through it all David and Saulā€™s son, Jonathan, became great friends.   That is a story for another day. As David ran from Saul there were opportunities for David to take matters in to his own hand and kill Saul.   T...

the LABELS I believe now

This week weā€™ve been talking about what is true and what is false about Christians.   It is important that we believe the right things.   Each us has believed LABELS that weā€™ve been given by others and some we have given ourselves. Each LABEL carries something that either takes us in the right or in the wrong direction.   Believing lies takes us in the wrong direction.   Believing what is true takes us in the right direction and allows us to grow stronger.   What God says about us is true.   When you know God and have been saved by Jesus, there are some new LABELS that are true about you. I am a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10) I am a saint (1 Cor. 1:2) I am a part of His Church (Eph. 2:21-22) I am a temple for God's Spirit (Eph. 2:22)ā€Ø I am in the eternal plan of God (Eph. 1:4; 2 Tim. 1:9) I am enriched (1 Cor. 1:5) I am accepted because God's favor has been poured out upon me (Eph. 1:6) I am light (Eph. 5:8) I am...

what is NOT true about me any more

Things change.   People change.   Yet we are not talking about just going along with life.   That is to say ā€œgoing with the flowā€, but I am speaking about understanding the things that Jesus has done in my life and in yours. Before you can believe the things God says are true, you have to understand the things that are lies and untrue.   God has changed us.   That is a fact. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NASB) Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away ; behold, new things have come. I was lost.   Sin keeps us lost, and sin has to be dealt with.   This is the underlining issue that all of us have being part from God.   To live in sin means that we are completely separated from God. Romans 6:23 (NLT) For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Luke 19:10 (NLT) For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost....