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4 days till back2school

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function,

I used to love baseball.  Summers were consumed with watching the Chicago Cubs on TV station WGN at 1:05 or 3:05 many days along with going out in our backyard to bounce the ball and play catch.  I still love sports, but baseball has taken a backseat to NASCAR and football.  I learned some things.

I learned that the fourth person in your batting order needed to be a great hitter that could make things happen.  I learned that you had to some key fielders who could make things happen on the field.  I learned that you better have some depth in your bullpen with a late inning reliever that threw the baseball fast and consistent.

not sure about this picture but we have great people!
The same is true in our back2school outreach.  2012 marks our 5th year, and this will be the greatest of all events.  One of those reasons is because on the same day and at the same time at three locations across our county students will be served in the same way.  This is exciting, an answer to prayer and the fulfillment of a dream God gave us some time ago. 

With the addition of 2 more churches God brought us some strong players.  Let me illustrateā€¦

Let me introduce you to faith dude.  This is guy who sat at the table with us reminded us that God would provide.  He works to do his part and to encourage others to see what God has done and is doing.  All through the process he reminds us that God is making it all happen in big ways.

And you need to meet excited lady.  This is the woman who sends me multiple text messages, and she is more excited than anyone and even a bit nervous.  When she speaks up, more people get excited.  Excited lady and faith dude add huge parts to our team.

This organization nazi (I mean guru) is making it happen.  Sometimes I donā€™t like this person very much, but there is no way to get it done without them.  This person looks at the details and sees how the pieces fit together.  I see the big picture and the results.  This special person sees the details that have to get done and how to make it happen.

Get is done girl will do whatever it takes to make it a success.  When I get frazzled, this is the girl who lets me know she is ready to help.  She shows up at odd times or at just the right time.  She too is excited and helps motivate others.  Her work ethic says I wonā€™t stop until itā€™s done.

Nope.  I will not tell you their names because no matter the event you have to have some people much like these.  The people who are part of our team are incredible.  God has given them talent and ability to take us to the next level.  I am grateful for Godā€™s moving among us and for His providing us with a powerful team.

This yearā€™s back2school outreach is going to be bigger, better and sweeter than we could even imagine.  That is due to the fact that God is able.  Believe it.  Now watch God work.  I love this!

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ.

They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need.


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