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help prepare for back2school

We are one week away from the best back2school event ever.  There are still LOTS of things that need to happen to make this event happen.  Can you be a big help by working in one or more of these ways!
STUFF THE BUS is Friday and Saturday, and this is when we go to Walmart to share this project with people from our community.  We hand out flyers and ask people to buy school supplies to help.  Your help is needed especially on Friday.  Can you help?  (Our partners from Mercy Crossing will be working at Big Lots, and our partners from Mt. Calvary will be at Samā€™s and Walmart in Danville).  Pray for success!
ADOPT A STUDENT is this Sunday as we ask our family and friends to help with back2school by adopting one or more students.  It costs $18 per student, and we ask that you join us.  Give online by going to this website  You can also give at church on Sunday or mail your check to TCF back2school, PO Box 388, Collinsville, VA 24078.
MILK SHAKE FUND RAISER at CHICK-FIL-A will be Wednesday, August 1st.  We will receive 50% of the proceeds from all Milk Shake sales on this day.  Go by the restaurant in the mall and get one.  Tell your friends.  This is awesome, and we are grateful for their help!
VOLUNTEER TRAINING is set for Thursday, August 2nd at 6:30pm.  All our volunteers are asked to attend this special training, and this is when you will receive your t-shirt and your team member assignment.  It takes lots of people to make this happen.
AND THERE IS MORE that you can do to help this event happen.  Volunteers are needed each day between now and next Saturday.  If you can help at anytime, please call the church at 276-647-8231 or email us at info@thecommunityfellowship.  Thank you for meeting a need and making a difference by touching the lives of students in our community.
Donā€™t forget about worship this Sunday at 10:10am at The Community Fellowship.  We continue our series called ā€œForgotten Virtuesā€, and we will talk about gratitude.  See you soon.  Donā€™t forget to demonstrate the love of God to your community by serving the people around you.  See you soon!
Pastor Michael Harrison
James 1:5


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