I am
preaching through a series called CONSUMED walking through the theology of the
book of Romans. This past Sunday we
looked at chapter 4 that is a highlight of Abraham and his faith. There are some great truths that we must
learn from him.
piece that sticks out in my mind and heart has to do with how I live by
faith. Do I trust God? Do the situations around me cause me to
question or move away from God? Those
answers might surprise you.
And Abrahamās faith did not weaken,
even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as
deadāand so was Sarahās womb. āØ20 Abraham never wavered in believing Godās
promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God.
21 He
was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. 22 And
because of Abrahamās faith, God counted him as righteous.
of us are Abraham, but we are people of faith that must learn from those who
lived before us and who followed God.
There were pieces that should have made Abraham change or move away from
God, at least humanly speaking.
He was
old when he was promised a child, almost too old to father a child. But Abrahamās faith didnāt weaken or
waver. His faith grew stronger when
situations or fear seemed to be overwhelming.
Those were the times where God got the most glory from all that was
going on. Living by faith meant that
Abraham understand who God was and how he was to move forward.
by faith is not easy. But living by
faith is what God calls every Christian to do.
What promise of God have we been avoiding or not believing? What step have we not taken because our faith
isnāt very strong?
faith work means that when we step forward and trust God that we will see God
do incredible, almost non-human things.
Letting faith work means that we forget our reputation so that God will
get all the glory. That is what I long