I feel like I'm just getting back into the thick of things. I don't like disconnecting and doing what seems like nothing, but it was sweet and learning. I know that God's plan over us is sure. Yet we are making a difference in many lives that we get to encounter.
So many pieces I'd like to share but here are a couple thoughts to pray over us as leaders ...
Purity and holiness ---- I'm convinced that God is purifying His servants. Too often we kick against this. We are in the world but not of it. Realize this is not legalism. This is the understanding that how our lives and our choices tend to get in the way of what God wants to do is not good.
Keep dreaming the dream, seeing and seizing the vision ---- have you ever noticed that God seemed to cut you off from being able to see or feel or even see further? I believe we cut ourselves off when our pursuit of Him is waning.
Pursuing Him with gusto --- I can't wait for what the future holds for us. Incredible. Large. Big impact.
I noticed over the last week as I deal with being sick that the more "me" consumed I was the more I pushed God away. By having to unplug I got frustrated, selfish, angry, thick headed ... you get the picture.
I pray that God will purify each of us personally. I pray that we will clearly see the dream and let it consume our hearts. I pray we pursue Him with more desire and willingness than ever before.
Let me say one more thing but please know that this is not out of being judgmental or out of pain. Hear this. God is not pleased with mediocrity. Half way is not half good. Anything less than our full out pursuit of Him and willingness to let Him work will hold us back.
This next verse is powerful, perspective changing. Read...
1 Peter 1:22 NLT
"You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth, so now you must show sincere love to each other as brothers and sisters. Love each other deeply with all your heart."
People, especially kids, know when we are not sincere. Love each other deeply and from the heart, the people you serve with and the people you serve. Speaking the truth in love isn't easy, but it is always right.
May God perfect us so we can be completely useful to Him.