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Showing posts from November, 2012

Zig Ziglar: a great man

As my day began on Wednesday I was reading through some blog posts and learned that one of the greatest leaders of leaders had died.  Zig Ziglar has inspired millions of people through his leadership and motivation.  He has written numerous book, given thousands of seminars, spoken at more than you can count events and made an impact over the last 6 decades on leaders in business and the church as well as home. His son Tom Ziglar has been a mentor of mine of a couple years.  The passion that these men have for helping others is incredible.  Iā€™d like to share some of Zigā€™s zingers, I mean quotes with you todayā€¦ ā€œSuccess means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.ā€ ā€œYou were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.ā€ ...

the roar of the crowd

Do you remember what it is like to sit in the middle of the grandstand and listen to the roar of the crowd?  Maybe it is the football game that is filled with great plays and a close score.  Another awesome setting I like is the speedway where the music of the engines is almost too much for your ears, but something happens and the roar of the crowd is awesome. I recently sat around the table with some old friends and some new friends.  It was one of those holiday events where stories are shared.  There is lots of laughing and lots of sharing.  Some of it brought tears.  Some of it brought belly laughs.  It is similar to the roar of the crowd as each person connects with others who sat at the table.  I love those moments.  They really are incredible and memorable. Hebrews 12:1    NLT Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight ...

HELP with Friday's Youth Rally

Hello Community Family and Friends - We are gearing up for a great event this Friday night beginning at 6pm for the people of our community. It is a YOUTH RALLY which will include FREE PIZZA, DRINKS and DESERTS. Will you help us by volunteering? If so, let us know now by email to . We also need COOKIES and BROWNIES. Will you bake or buy some cookies and brownies? These need to be delivered to the church by Thursday afternoon. Let us know if you will help. Talking part in the program at the YOUTH RALLY will be our own Kayla Penn, several of our musicians, the Silent Servants and Christian rap artist CRUCIAL. Please pray for this event AND pass the word to others who would like to attend. TEENS. COLLEGE STUDENTS. Even ADULTS. Your help will make this event even stronger and better Our job is to demonstrate the love of God to our community one person at a time. Here is another opportunity to share God's love. Thanks for your h...

ready, set, grow

There is a powerful thing happening that floors me every time I think about it.  By the way, this post is going to be somewhat personal.  In the last 8 days and incredible thing has happened around our church.  4 people have accepted Jesus as their Savior. No.  Thatā€™s not out of the ordinary.  At many churches and other places people are coming to know Jesus, but weā€™ve been praying and preparing for what God is going to do.  We believe that God prepared the church and her people for amazing things and great days.  I am reminded often that real life, the important things and what will last is people.  Not buildings or money or programs.  People are what matter to God. Each of these 4 people are precious.  Iā€™ve known them for a long time, and look what God has done.  I then turn to a meeting that I was in with some of my closest partners and friends, and the conversation goes in a direction that I wasnā€™t e...

YOUTH RALLY this Friday

don't miss this awesome youth event this Friday.  invite your friends, neighbors, family and even enemies to come and see as well as to come and hear... for more info contact Jennifer at

things to never worry about

Call me a social media junky or whatever you must.  I enjoy the connections on Facebook, the learning and friendships from Twitter and even the ministry contacts via linkedin.  I check each one pretty often.  Sunday evening as I was scrolling through Facebook I came across this picture.  It is simply 5 things that we, as Godā€™s kids, donā€™t have to worry about.  Profound truth. We will never be forsaken .  That is Godā€™s promise, and God doesnā€™t break His promises as we humans do.  He is always with us. Hebrews 13:5 ā€ØNLT Donā€™t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, ā€œI will never fail you. I will never abandon you.ā€ You are useful to God and always will be.  Your life has purpose.  You have meaning.  It is all based on what God says about you.  No one or no thing can change that fact. 1 Corinthians 12:18-21 NLT But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part ju...

happy Thanksgiving

thursday e-devotion From my family to yours. From The Community Fellowship church family to you. Happy Thanksgiving!!!! 1 Chronicles 16:8 (NLT) Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.