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Showing posts from February, 2013

HOPE4THEHOMELESS5k is two days away

Once again we want to thank everyone who will be taking part in this year's HOPE4THEHOMELESS5k  which will take place this Saturday, March 2nd at 10am.  Registration will open at 8:30am, and that is where you can pick up your race bag and t-shirt.  If you have not paid yet, please bring cash or a check (made to MHC Coalition) to make sure it is taken care of.  We will be providing a 1/2 way water stop as well as some refreshments (fruit, nutrition bars, crackers) and bottled after the race.  Volunteers will be wearing bright green shirts and will be ready to help you.  Looks like we have great news about our weather.  It will be around 40 degrees and clear (the weather channel reported).  I am praying for a great event.  There is still more space for your friends to enter to walk or run.  We do want to thank all our sponsors, and we ask that you notice the signs along the race trail.  Melissa Gravely and her team from CAFV as well as myself and our Dream Center folks are grateful f...

the effect Jesus has on people

I sat across the table from a friend, and as I listened to him talk I was amazed, shocked and even pushed to think deeper about the vision God has put in my heart.  This dude is a church planter who has refined his skills by thinking long and hard about peopleā€™s need for Jesus and about places where that need is great.  His and his wifeā€™s prayers and hearts led them home.   My friend is Tim Lavinder, and the church Tim and Kristen are planting is called The Ridge ( ) and is in Patrick County, Virginia.  Our conversation was right on time and encouraging in big ways.  That is how our God isā€¦ right on time and encouraging.   1 Corinthians 15:58   NASB Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.   When you are convinced of Godā€™s call on your life, you will stick to doing what God has led you to do.  Your passion will guide...

I'm convinced

There are some things I am convinced of.  Daily God reminds me of these things and each week I am given opportunity to see powerful things happen in the lives of the people God sends my way.  It is amazing to see how God works to change people who seeking Him.  Iā€™m convinced that God wants us to help others come to Him. Acts 9:36   NLT There was a believer in Joppa named Tabitha (which in Greek is Dorcas).  She was always doing kind things for others and helping the poor. That lady is one Iā€™d like to know.  Tabitha had it together.  I donā€™t mean that she was perfect, but Tabitha knew what God called her to do.  That is what she did and kept on doing.  Iā€™m convinced that God made me to keep on doing what Heā€™s called me to do. Romans 15:2   NLT We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord. Relationships happen.  Unless you live on an isolated island and all people have...

lead with confidence

There is much to be said for the person who knows where they are going and is heading that way with gusto.  This is the person who has a business idea and takes risks to get to where they want to go.  This is the person who has passion to do something that few other people have attempted. Often this is the person who is talked about, and others say that what they are dreaming of is impossible.  Often confidence is being able to hear people tell you that you canā€™t do something, but they take the steps to try anyway.  For me this is defined by the answer to this question: is your dream so outrageous that if God doesnā€™t show up you will fail?  The answer for me is YES. A few things come to mind as I think through the vision God has given me and even read about others who dreamed big or listen to the story of the person who is living with confidence in their dream and going for it. Matthew 7:2   NLT For you will be treated a...

learning to fight fair

In our current series at The Community we are talking about 5 ways to fail proof our marriage.  Making these Commitments will make a difference in our marriages and in all our relationships.  Whatever your situation in life, there are things that will help you be successful in all your relationships. Ever fought with anyone?  We all have fights.  Even my wife and I have some fights from time to time.  And we must be careful to not let what seems so important to become insignificant.  All couples will fight.  We are sinful beings and will deal with things in a way that doesnā€™t honor.  We have issues.  Thatā€™s when I realize that the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships are huge. Healthy couples fight fair.  Unhealthy couples fight dirty (below the belt, jabs, undercuts, accusations).  Healthy couples fight for Resolution.  Unhealthy couples fight for victory.  As couples an...

1 week till the HOPE 4 THE HOMELESS 5k

The 2013 HOPE4THEHOMELESS5k is one week from tomorrow.  We are gearing up for a great event.  Our 5k team, the folks at Citizens Against Family Violence and our Dream Center friends want to say a huge THANK YOU to all who have registered so far and to those who have volunteered for this event.  Please help us spread the word to others who have not registered yet and to businesses or individuals who might like to sponsor the event.  Please register or sign up to volunteer this weekend.  The forms and the ability to register will stay open at  as well as through forms mailed in. Race bags for all who register will be ready at the registration table the day of the event beginning at 8:30am with the race beginning at 10am.  Please note that those who are running will begin a few minutes before those who are walking.  If you have not yet paid your registration fee, be prepared to pay when you pick up your bag or you may mail your fee to TCDC, POB 388, Collinsville, VA 2407...

seeking God together

I believe if you some important commitments and keep then you will literally fail proof your marriage.  There's are expectations about what relationships and especially marriage are going to be like one day, and a lot of times when marriage doesn't meet our expectations there let downs, disappointments, hurt, pain, disappointment, anger, divorce and such.  Maybe you have been wounded in relationships, or maybe you're in one that is in bad shape now.   "Is a good marriage even possible?" people ask.  In last Sundayā€™s sermon I gave an answer to emphatically say YES, it is possible; but letā€™s be honest and realize it's not likely if you do what everyone else in our society does. Statistics about marriage are horrifying; they say about 50% of the marriages that start will not make it.  Further, the younger you are, the less likely your marriage is to make it.  And of those 50% or so that do make it, the vast majority of them are m...