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healing broken lives

entry way of the possible The Community Fellowship new offices

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.

Our church is entering a new day as we embrace the possibility of a new building and in reality a new campus that will allow our worship, ministries and impact to grow in great ways.  The piece of property that is under contract at this point and will hopefully be closed on soon has been something we have been seeking for some time.

I first learned about the building years ago when one of our church members worked for the business that used to be housed there.  It was a thriving place where families had their dreams filled as their new homes where designed and built.  Yet at the end of last summer it came to my attention that this building had been vandalized in a big way.  It was and is currently in complete shambles.

Not many days later I visited the property, and our leaders began to try to buy the property.  That was about eight months ago.  We were turned down a couple times, and the property went to auction in March that we also were outbid on.  A couple weeks later and after lots of prayer the owners of the building approached us again to see if we were still interested.  We were and now pursing it with gusto.

As I said before the building and property have been vandalized.  I have walked through the buildings by myself and with several other people many times.  There are endless possibilities for this property and for our church using the property.  But there are also big needs around every corner.

Windows have been knocked out, and there is glass everywhere.  All the wiring has been ripped out.  Heating and air conditioning units have been mutilated beyond repair.  The building seems like a total loss, but it is not.

1 Peter 5:10   NLT
In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus.  So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.

The state of the building is much like the state that many of the people we deal with in ministry are in.  We meet people who are weak, broken and have no hope.  As I walk through the entrance of the office at the new building my feet are walking over glass, debris and over brokenness.  The people I talk to are often broken, full of debris and have been through all kinds of pain and vandalism by their own choices or sometimes the choices of others.

God wants to rebuild lives and restore hope to the people we encounter.  The building we plan to purchase will be restored and rebuilt so that it can be a place where hope is offered, a place where resources are gathered and shared and a place where Jesus is lifted up and shared with the world.

Our calling is to demonstrate the love of God to our community through meeting needs and sharing Jesus which in turn will rebuild the lives of broken people.  What a huge calling is before us and what endless possibilities we are ready for.  The reality is that God wants to rebuild people and share His love with as many people as possible.  Healing broken lives is Godā€™s business, and what an honor it is to be part of Godā€™s business!


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