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Showing posts from June, 2013

sweet variety

1 Corinthians 12:12 , 20  NASB For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christā€¦But now there are many members, but one body. I am a people watcher.  One of my favorite places is the airport especially as I have a layover or arrive early.  Iā€™ll usually chose a location where there is much traffic.  People are so different.  God loves variety.  Short and tall.  Skinny and not so skinny.  Young and old.  Big families and singles.  People with tattoos.  People with duffle bags or guitars strapped to their back.  Military heroes.  Little old ladies.  College students, athletes and so many others.  It is cool to watch people. This week has had many points where people watching came in to place.  That is not because of an airplane trip or an extended visit to a mall.  It is because about...


Due to possible bad weather TONIGHT'S COMMUNITY EVENT has been moved to The Community Fellowship from 5:30 to 7:30pm.   Join us for free food and a great program including Christian musician and comedian BARRY McGEE. Help us get the word out.  Come be with us.  Bring your friends!

from my heart

Two weeks and three days ago was one of the hardest days my wife and I have been through.  It was the day that our oldest daughter had jaw surgery that included her upper and lower jaws being cut, put in proper position and wired shut.  Yesterday we visited the surgeon in Richmond, and we learned that her recovery process is going well. The days leading up to her surgery and after have brought a great amount of stress into our home for our family.  She continues on a liquid diet which is also adding stress to our home.  Yet this situation has allowed us to learn, stress, lean on each other and on God as well as to see God work through healing.  We are grateful for all we have been blessed with. This week has been loaded with stuff to do and some incredible people.  About 65 people from all over Virginia have come together in our community for the SBCVā€™s ACTS 1:8 family camp.  That includes worshipping as a group, leading ...

keep fighting

Many people give up too soon.  They miss the victory and the celebration because they were over come by how hard something had become or the pain a situation caused.  Maybe you are like me and have thought of giving up in many different circumstances and at many different times.  I would believe that all of us would have to say, ā€œYES, Iā€™ve been thereā€. But let me ask us to stop and think about the consequences of giving up.  We might think that giving up only impacts us, but in reality giving up impacts the people around us as well as the people who come behind us.  Think about it this way: when we demonstrate courage, keep fighting and press on, we tell others that they can keep on going.  Your life, your choices and your heart will influence the people around you and even the people who will hear about you in the future.  People learn from our choices for a very long time. I suggest that we need to keep fighting.  I...

crazy Jesus, radical serving and legendary youth

This article can be found at this link from and written by the founder of the magazine, Guillermo Gonzalez .  This article made me stop and think and desire to live with passion while radically serving the people God puts around my life.  Read on, and may God use these words to inspire us to live with courage. Jesus was a radical.  He always took things to a different level.  He did extreme things.  Fasted for 40 days and 40 nights.  Healed people in the Sabbath, which was a day no one was supposed to do such things.  He loved so much, served so much, and forgave so much that it costed His own life.  I guess loving and serving so much isnā€™t a sin, yet is so costly.  It takes a courageous man. Indeed Jesus was so radical that the words He spoke was just an expression of what was in His heart and the things He had already done.  He said to His disciples, ā€œIf you want to follow me, deny y...