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from my heart

Two weeks and three days ago was one of the hardest days my wife and I have been through.  It was the day that our oldest daughter had jaw surgery that included her upper and lower jaws being cut, put in proper position and wired shut.  Yesterday we visited the surgeon in Richmond, and we learned that her recovery process is going well.

The days leading up to her surgery and after have brought a great amount of stress into our home for our family.  She continues on a liquid diet which is also adding stress to our home.  Yet this situation has allowed us to learn, stress, lean on each other and on God as well as to see God work through healing.  We are grateful for all we have been blessed with.

This week has been loaded with stuff to do and some incredible people.  About 65 people from all over Virginia have come together in our community for the SBCVā€™s ACTS 1:8 family camp.  That includes worshipping as a group, leading a VBS day camp during the morning and mission projects in the afternoon.  Tonight at Jack Dalton Park from 5:30 to 7:30 is a free event for kids and families that includes food, fun, inflatables and comedian Barry McGee.  Join me and pass the word inviting people to join us.  And this week has kept me on my toes.

We have also experienced some of the sweetest moments as we have been part of our nephewā€™s wedding.  It really was awesome and so good to be with family.  In turn we have been in some tearful situations due to the death of some loved people.  Our friend Leon White died just 3 weeks ago.  This week one of our church familyā€™s aunts passed away.  I sat with the family earlier this week and listened to them share.  Having a family is a blessing.  There were tears, lots of laughs and sweet memories sharing.  Today is the funeral.  Pray for that family.

In the mix of all those items there have been some tough situations that have tugged at my heart.  One of the men in our church who battles addiction and mental issues has made some horrible decisions.  Another lady in our church was threatened and in a great amount of fear.  Some couples in our church have been struggling with the end of their relationships.  These are some times when my heart is very heavy.  These are some of them.

Through our daughterā€™s surgery, the wedding, the funerals and all the other things I have learned that we are stronger together.  Enjoying the wedding together.  Praying and having people reach out and pray for us.  Crying with hurting families.  Counseling those who are struggling.  Working side by side with the mission team.  All of that is best done together.  We are stronger together. 

Many of you have made these weeks and situations much easier.  I appreciate and love you guys.  I especially am grateful for your prayers.  Keep them coming.  Life is sweeter when shared with others!

Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.  16 Live in harmony with each other.  Donā€™t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people.  And donā€™t think you know it all!

James 5:16  NASB
Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

Bear one anotherā€™s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

Matthew 5:16  NASB
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.


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